Chapter 16

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My mind had just found some amount of peace after Sam agreed to stay, when I got a call from my Mom. I knew she would ask about Julianne, and wanted to avoid that topic completely, but my Mom is someone who can not take no for an answer, so I picked up the call.

"Oliver, Son how are you?"

"I am good mom, and you?"

"Oh, I am not well at all."

"What happened Mom?"

"Well nothing to my health, but I am very disappointed with you. You didn't take Julianne to your apartment, rather booked a room at some hotel for her."

So, she complained to my mom like a five year old.

"Mom, you know I am not comfortable with anyone staying with me, besides I barely know her."

"You are getting married to her son. Anyway, did you pick her up from the airport?"

"Yes Mom."

"Did you go with her for the seminar?"

"Yes Mom, I was there with her at the Seminar and I dropped her back at the hotel."

"Did you get flowers for her?"

What? Why?

"No, It just didn't occur to me Mom."

"Well this was not very gentle man like. She is not any girl you are dating for fun son. She is your future wife. Take her to a proper date tonight."

"Yes, I'll take her for the dinner tonight." My mom is so bossy!

"And get some roses for her too".

"Yes I'll get the roses too."

"She told me both of you are coming to visit me tomorrow. That is wonderful news."

I told her, I can't come, yet she told my mom that I'll be coming too. This is going over my nerves!

"No Mom, I won't be able to come tomorrow. I have..."

"I don't want to listen to your excuses Oliver."


"You are coming with her, and that's final".

"Fine Mom, We'll come to visit you tomorrow."

"That's like my son. Love you Ollie. Bye!"

"Love you too. Bye take care!"

Although I agreed to go on dinner with Julianne tonight but I had already made up my mind. I was going to tell the truth to her. I am sure she won't be interested in marrying someone who is in love with someone else.

As I kept the receiver down I saw Sam standing at the door with tears in her eyes. What did I do now?

"Samantha, what happened? Are you all right? Why are you crying? Did someone say something? Come inside." I asked making her come inside and sit on the chair.

I gave her a glass of water which she drank silently. Her silence was killing me. My mind was becoming weaker with scary speculations. I didn't want her to change her mind.

"Samantha, what happened? Why were you crying? Tell me please", I asked again.

"Why did you ask me to stay?", She asked staring in my eyes. Why is she asking this, now? Did someone say something to her? Is she second guessing everything now?

"I just couldn't let you leave!", I replied.

"But why?" I didn't understand why was she so adamant about this. What was it that she wanted to hear.

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