Eyes Locked

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Light laughed along his friends during lunchtime, occasionally looking down to read his book. His friend shamed him for being a bookworm of sorts, but Light didn't mind. He had nothing to do but ace all his tests and study. His eyes wandered around the lunchroom, stopping to watch a struggling classmate of his.

The classmate was fairly short than the people he was speaking to. It looks like an item of his was stolen, but the classmate simply stood there taking all the hurtful words. Light rolled his eyes, it's unbelieve people are still immature in high school. He continued to watch as he pretended to read his book.

"C'mon, Tetsuji~ You seriously can't reach? What's a tiny lil kid like you doing in school?" The tall bully snickered. "What should we do with this money, huh? Buy comics?"

The other bully student grinned and nodded. "I dunno, maybe we can blow it off the arcade." he shrugged. "Tetsuji's being a quiet bitch again, huh...?"

Light looked at Tetsuji, a shy boy of short stature hiding his eyes with his wavy, black hair. He wanted to stand up and confront the bullies, but his eyes were glued to Tetsuji. He ran a hand through his hair in anger, pushing up his glasses. Light couldn't help but think Tetsuji is adorably handsome. He's a quiet classmate kid who appears distant. Maybe that's why he's getting picked on. Soon, a teacher came and forced the bullies to return Tetsuji's possession- a wallet. He left the cafeteria, heading to the restroom.

Light felt the need to follow him. "I'll be back, I'm going to wash my hands." he said, followed by one of his friends calling him a nerd. Light ignored it. Once he arrived at the restroom, Tetsuji was in the back leaning on the wall.

"Hey." Light said, greeting Tetsuji with a smile. He went to the sink, washing his hands. "I saw what happened- what's up with those jerks?"

Tetsuji looked up from the floor, pushing his hair away from his glasses, wearing a poker-face. "It's nothing." he replied. "It's the usual.. I'm used to it." He shows little emotion.

"What? You get bullied often...?" Light suddenly turned serious. He dried his hands and walked up to Tetsuji. "It shouldn't be usual.. You shouldn't be dealing with this." 

Tetsuji cracked a smile, hands digging deep in his pocket. "It shouldn't concern you, Light. You're busy being an ace student. I'm not important.." he stated simply, finally locking eyes with Light, who towered over him.

"You are." Light retorted with a harsh tone. They'll regret messing with Tetsuji, Light thought to himself. He's too innocent to suffer. His emotions are probably locked away. Light knows there's more to this "emotionless" boy.

Tetsuji pushed up his glasses, his cheeks slowly turning pink. "You barely know me, Light..." he felt grateful for a moment.

"I'll change that, then." Light replies. The bell rings soon after. A devious plot plants its way into Light's mind. "First, we have to deal with your bullies.." he mutters as he walks away.

After school, Light plans to do just that. He decides to follow Tetsuji's trail to the back of the school. Tetsuji is stopped by the two classmates from lunch. One of the pair pushes him to the ground and kickes his head to the wall of the school. Tetsuji winces a bit. Why is he so calm?

"Every time we do this to ya you never show any emotion. I think he's a masochist." one of the bullies said. Tetsuji didn't reply. He tried to get up, but the other bully acted in defense and kicked Tetsuji's head. Light quietly gasped as Tetsuji's eyes closed and he fell on his side.

"What the fuck?! Did you kill him, idiot? The short bastard can't fight anyway...! Dumbass!"

Light started to freak out. Either Tetsuji died, or he was knocked out. One way or the other, those two were going to pay. As they argued with each other, Light dug in his bookbag for something. He spotted a couple of pencil and pens. Dropping his bag, he ran to the two students.

"Why did you hurt Tetsuji?" Light said, standing right in front of the pair. "What did he do to you...? Pure people don't deserve that treatment.. It's the dirty scum who do." he gripped the pencil in his hand. "I'll make you pay!" With wide eyes, Light attacked one of the bullies by pushing the pencil in his eyes, causing him to scream and fall.

"What the hell is your problem, sicko?!" The other said, only to be met with a pencil to his neck. Light never knew a small item like this could cause pain. He went to the blind bully, stabbing him with a pen. He reached for his bag and took out a book.

"I'll make sure you're dead. Die, you rotten criminals!" Light said before smashing the pair multiple times before he confirmed they truly passed away. He took a few deep breathes. All the anger in him, released on two bullies.. Light had no remorse. He put the items he used as weapons in his bag and went to Tetsuji.

"Ah, you're still alive." Light checked Tetsuji's pulse. "Don't worry.. You're safe for now." he smiled, setting Tetsuji's hair away from his face. He's extremely handsome. Light couldn't stop staring at his heart-shaped lips.

"I'll take you home.." A laugh escaped Light.

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