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That's the only one. The other two nails of the talon pierced you near your shoulders, but there is nothing there indicating an injury.

You take your shower and put on regular clothes, trying not to stare at the scar. You almost try to forget its there. But that's impossible. As you put on a new bra, you can see that the scar is visible right underneath the wire that connects the two cups.

Great. Now you have to stare at it everytime you take your clothes off. At least the first scar is hidden from sight.

You pull back your hair around your ear to see if anything has changed about your scar, and the only difference is that it's healing. Yesterday it was a dark color, but now it's starting to fade ever so slightly, which is odd because scars don't just fade the day after your get it. But neither do they heal withing hours of being cut open. It's still visible, but something isn't right about them.

But again, why do they exist? They're just dreams! Anyone else would have gotten them checked out at a doctor's, but what good would they do if the scar is already healing by itself? Plus they would think you're crazy if you told them it happened overnight.

Maybe they're just major bruises. You were tossing and turning a lot in bed last night, and the pain from the eagle talons could have just been you being clumsy and slamming your body into the corner of your bedside table. Sometimes injuries you have while sleeping will transfer into the reality of your dream, just like voices do. Like when your parents would try to wake you up in the morning and you ended up hearing their voice come from a dog or something in your dream. That sort of thing.

So many thoughts fly through your head as you prepare yourself in the bathroom. There is no logical reasoning behind all of this. And if you went to go talk to someone like a therapist or doctor, they wouldn't help you. Try explaining to someone that a glitchy green alter ego of a famous Youtuber has control over you and is now tempting you into giving up your life in exchange for fame and popularity. Yeah, that sounds sane.

Speaking of the glitch bitch, you haven't heard Anti move around at all. It's not a large apartment, so you can usually hear footsteps from about anywhere in it. But you've heard nothing.

You step out into the hall and see that Anti's door is still closed. Slowly walking up to it, you put your ear against the wood, making sure to be as quiet as possible and to breathe without a sound. You can, however, hear your heart pounding against your chest. You're afraid that the sound of it will echo against the door and into the room.

Nothing. Now you're curious. What is he up to?

Conveniently, this door is one of two doors in the apartment that has an actual key hole. You guess that whoever lived here before didn't bother updating the doors.

Your hands work as a guide as you bend down closer to the door knob and press your face against the cold metal. You peek one eye in the small hole.

And inside, you can't see much. The lights are dim, but there is enough sunlight being let in that you can see a corner of Anti's bed. It's still a mess, blankets nearly on the floor. But on top, you think you can just make out a lump. Black, that blends in with the blankets. You cant be a hundred percent sure, but you think it's moving up and down ever so slightly. Then you can see a shadow of something that may be his green hair, just peeking over the top of his figure. His is facing away from you, so you can't see whether or not he is awake, but you guess from his inactivity and quiet state, that he is still sleeping.

You stand back up and walk away from the door. So what do you do? Anti's not here to torment you, and he can't necessarily read your mind now that he is already occupied. There's limited time, so now's your chance to do something without Anti getting in the way.

Tempted (Antisepticeye x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora