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Anti was joking right? He was just provoking you. He's not really going to mess with your stuff, will he?

You push these thoughts to the side and continue to walk down to the plaza under the shady cover of grey clouds that look like they can consist of an oncoming rain. You pass up the deli that you hallucinated in last night and a chill goes down your spine. As you look in the window there's no one there except the old man at the counter and a young couple sitting in a booth. Still, nothing out of the ordinary. You just keep eyeing the deli like it's a suspicious child as you pass it up.

You continue walking down the street and you spot the computer repair shop with a red banner above the door that says "Tech equipment and repair." With your laptop at your side, you walk in the glass door, and are immediately surrounded by wires and accessories on display on shelves in various places in the room. There's no one behind the counter when you walk up, but when you wait for a couple seconds a young woman with black hair tied up in a ponytail walks out from the back room.

"Oh, sorry dear to keep ya waitin'. What can I do for ya?" She has a kind face and a bright smile. She leans on the counter.

"No problem, I wasn't waiting long." You pull out the laptop and rest it on the counter in front of the woman. "I was doing some stuff on my laptop a couple nights ago and the screen went black and never returned. I was wondering if you could take a look at it."

"Sure thing, honey, just put your name and number down here and I'll give ya a call if I find anything."

You do as you're told and bid her goodbye. She smiles and gives you a little wave, then she disappears behind the door to the back room. As you walk back out, it almost feels weird not having anything to carry. You think to yourself and winder if there's anything you need to get since you're already out and about. Plus even if you tried to go home now, Anti might be there just waiting to mock you from the front window.

Eggs Is the first thing that comes to mind. You remember that Anti made you drop them this morning.

Might as well.

As you start to make your way, the sky gets darker. It looks like it is going to rain soon, so you hurry into the store. You are welcomed with a cool breeze from the A.C. as you step through the door and a very large selection of various fruits and vegetables. The market is dimly lit with cheesy elevator music playing from the speakers in the ceiling. Its a little sketchy, but you're never here long. Plus the prices here are pretty low.

You weave your way through the isles to the dairy section, but when you turn a corner, something makes you stop.

You feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand on their ends and a sharp sensation that tightens the muscles in your back. Like someone is approaching you from behind. You quickly turn around, only to see an organized display of avocados.

Another chill runs down your body. It's probably just the sketchy environment. You've never really enjoyed this place because every once and a while you'll see someone walk in who just radiates bad vibes that makes you want to get out ASAP. But no one is around. Maybe it's just the chill from the dairy section that's causing your goosebumps.

You turn back around onto your path to the eggs and pick up a single dozen carton. Your nerves calmed down a little, but as you walk back up to the front of the store, you can't help but continue to look over your shoulder every few seconds.

You walk up into one of the checkout lanes with the only employee you have seen- and old woman with short white hair and a hard face. She obviously doesn't want to be here.

"How you doing?" You ask as you approach her and hand her the eggs.

She just huffs in response and swipes the carton across the scanner. You bite your lip, not attempting to make any more conversation.

Tempted (Antisepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now