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You wake up facing Anti, your bodies about two feet apart. His arm is no longer wrapped around you and you are no longer tucked into him, but you are more than content that he decided to stay the rest of the night.

He is still sleeping and you lay there motionless as you just stare at him.

So this is what he looks like as he sleeps.

He doesn't have any blankets around him, so you see he lays on his side with his hands up near his face. They are clutched into fists as if he is ready to attack if he is disturbed. His knees bend slightly in a comfortable position, still yet prepared to bounce up at any given moment.

Why is he so on edge? It's like he knows he's being hunted and needs to be alert at all times. He might as well sleep with his knife in his hand. Though that's not the smartest idea if he were right next to you.

His eyes are not pressed shut like you expected. You thought he would have trouble sleeping, being inhuman and all, and would need to force his eyes closed at night. But no. They are lightly closed in a way that makes him look like he is just looking down. His lips are apart every so slightly to let small smooth breaths escape. He looks peaceful. Which is very strange.

You feel mesmerized just by looking at him. Watching him sleep. Taking in every detail of how he inhales. How he exhales. How his finger twitches every once and a while when he slightly inhales sharply. Then by watching him long enough, you start to notice even smaller details. You can tell that even if he looks at peace on the outside, he is still fighting something on the inside. You can see that from the way his teeth clench, then release.  The way his eyebrows furrow for a second, then return to normal. And from how every so often, Anti whispers something just under his breath so soft, you can never hear what it is, but it still sends a chill down your back that you pull the covers up to your neck.

You look out the window from your position on the floor, and see that the blue light that was shining in earlier has turned white, meaning that it is still morning, but not as early. You should get up and make breakfast.

You're thinking a pancake breakfast with some bacon and maybe fruit and whipped topping. Something nice and fun to make up for the night you put Anti through.

Yet at the same time, the thought comes to you that you don't owe him anything.

But you're going to do it anyways. So you push that thought out of your mind, and as quietly as possible, crawl out of your warm sheets, and walk towards the door, leaving Anti sleeping on the floor.

You close your door behind you. Then something catches your eye. Another stream of daylight is emanating from a door.

Anti's door.

Then curiosity hits you like a bus. You haven't been inside his room since he showed up. Except that time a couple days ago when you saw the mess he made, but he didn't let you step into the room.

What has he done since?

You step towards the door, which is open just a crack, enough for a beam of light to shine on the ground and up the wall.

As you're about to push the door open, thoughts form in your head.

Is this invading on privacy? Is there something I shouldn't see in there? What wouldn't I be allowed to see?

Yet, it's my  house. This is my apartment, my room. I should be allowed to see inside.


You were too distracted with your thoughts that you didn't even see Anti appear behind you and suddenly slam the door closed in your face, making you gasp and jump back.

Tempted (Antisepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now