Day 2, Part 2

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Tweek and Craig eventually made it to Craig's house. The more Craig thought about it, the worse the idea of them hanging out there became. They barely knew each other and yet he invited Tweek to his house?

Craig is pretty sure he was somehow high when he decided to drag some random kid he didn't even know to the place he only let his close friends come. Yet there was another part of him that felt like if he was going to break this guys heart he deserved to know about his life

"N-No offense, b-but why a-are we at y-your house."  Clearly Tweek agreed with Craig about the weirdness of this situation.

Craig should lie, say something could, be nonchalant, be aggressive, something that's not weird and dorky. "I don't know," Craig cursed himself in his head, literally the one thing he didn't want to say.

They continued sitting on Craig's bed in awkward silence except for Tweek's constant ticks. Suddenly there was loud banging on the door which made Tweek jump and Craig sigh, out of all the days for him to come home why does it have to be today?

Then the door was being busted open revealing Craig's dad standing with his arms crossed. "Didn't I tell you that the next time you decided to skip school and I found out about it there'll be serious consequences."

"I'm just sick okay?" His dad was about to say something in response when he noticed Tweek cowering in fear behind Craig.

"Is this your boyfriend?" He marched towards Tweek and gripped his arm, Tweek tried to yank his arm away, but he just ended up hurting himself. How did he even think that was going to work out in his favor?

"Don't touch him." Craig brought Tweek into this situation, he needed to get out of it. Even if he is annoying.

"Oh, so he is your boyfriend." Craig felt compelled to correct his dad because never in a million years would he ever think about actually dating Tweek but he felt like there were more pressing matters at hand.

"It doesn't matter just get off of him."

Craig's dad finally let go of Tweek and focused on Craig again. "If I see you with your little boyfriend again, me gripping his arm will the least of your problems." Then he slammed the door leaving the two of them in silence.

"I'm sorry that you had to witness that."

Tweek seemed to be looking at Craig with amazement. "Why are you apologizing, I should be the one apologizing."

Craig was genuinely confused, why does Tweek need to apologize? He thought about asking him but decided against it in the end. If Tweek felt like he needed to apologize, then let him.

Craig would have let the silence continue, but Tweek ended up breaking it. "I didn't know you had to deal with that every day." Craig tensed, he didn't want to have this conversation, especially with Tweek. This is why you shouldn't have invited him to your house.

Tweek seemed to notice the sudden shift and left the conversation at that, for how weird Tweek was, he was good at leaving things be when it's needed. "Do you want to play Mario Kart?

Craig thought about it, it's not like he had anything better to do so he eventually nodded his head in agreement so they both grabbed controllers and prepared for the intense competition.

They stayed that way until school when would've ended. Then Tweek went home only so his parents wouldn't get suspicious and find out that he ditched. At this rate, Craig would have Tweek eating out of the palm of his hand in no time, and Kenny would have to eat his words.

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