Day 13, Part 1

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Craig woke up and everything came back to him. He had a crush on Tweek. How could Craig possibly screw up this bet any more. Before he even properly woke up his phone was already going off, so he did the only rational thing, he ignored it. It was only six so Craig figured he should probably go to school today. Mainly so that he could forget about Tweek. Although, he didn't know how effective it would be.  Craig left and headed to school. He didn't know how well he was going to be able to concentrate, but when did he ever concentrate at school?

Craig arrived at school only minutes before the bell rang so Craig rushed to his first period. Which is exactly when he realized how stupid he was for forgetting that he would have to spend his first two periods sitting next to Tweek. Craig wondered for a split second why was it awkward every time he had class with Tweek. Craig thought about leaving but Tweek had noticed him and was now waving him over and Craig didn't want to make Tweek feel like he did something wrong. So Craig plastered on a fake smile and sat down beside Tweek just as the bell rang

Class was boring, just like it always was, and it definitely didn't help take his mind off of Tweek. Eventually the teacher stopped lecturing and they were left to work on whatever work they were assigned. Before Craig could even try to figure out what the hell he was supposed to be doing, Tweek turned to face him. "You don't have to pretend to be happy if you're not."

Craig understood that he didn't have to pretend around Tweek, but old habits die, "I don't know what your talking about."

Tweek wrote something down on the paper in front of him, Craig assumed it was whatever work was assigned to them, before responding, "I understand that you're not used to being able to talk to me, but we're friends now."

Craig was thankful that Tweek was still looking down at his paper because his cheeks were definitely becoming red. "Yeah, you're right, thank you Tweek."

Tweek turned back to him grinning from ear to ear, "you're welcome."

Then without warning the bell rang signaling next class, and Craig decided that maybe trying to ignore Tweek wasn't the way to go about it at all. Maybe he should just relish in this new feeling for as long as he is able to. So Craig allowed Tweek to drag him towards their next class, and he even allowed his heart to skip a beat.

Their next class followed similarly, aimless chit chat about nothing and everything at the same time. They talked about their future and about their favorite T.V. shows while ignoring any serious topic like their families or pasts.

When second period ended Craig didn't know if he wanted to go to third because Tweek wasn't there so what was the point? Thankfully he didn't have to make the decision because he got a text from Kenny saying to meet him at his house. Craig didn't know what Kenny wanted but any excuse to get out of school he was up for.

So without a word to any of his friends Craig headed off to Kenny's house. Except, the closer he got the less he wanted to go. Craig didn't hate Kenny, but he definably hated his house. It was just that Kenny, his family and whatever friends and or druggies were constantly coming in and out.  It was so bad that Craig didn't know who was a friend, who was a druggie, and who was family. This in of itself wasn't the problem, there was just so many of them and Craig just hated being around a lot of people he didn't know. It was too late to turn back now though.

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