Day 15, Part 2

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"You mean the secret that everyone apparently knows but me?"

Tweek nodded embarrassed, "just promise me that you won't hate me after I tell you."

Craig thought about saying how he could never hate Tweek, but then he thought about the possibility that Tweek was a murderer. So instead he just said, "just tell me already."

Tweek sighed, "not here, at my house afterwards.

Craig had no idea what it could possibly be but he just nodded and accepted that he's waited this long, he could wait a couple more hours.

The rest of the day flew by quickly, and as they got closer to Tweek's house the more Craig's mind wondered. What could this secret even be? Craig didn't have any clue what it could possibly be. What could Tweek be so hesitant about telling him?

Finally, they arrived at Tweek's house and Craig followed him to his room. He sat down beside Tweek on his bed and they silently faced each other. 

Tweek looked down at his lap, "honestly, I don't even know where to begin."

"Well you told everyone else, why don't you just start it where you began it for everyone else."

Well,  technically, I didn't tell anybody else, they all just knew."

Now Craig just felt like an idiot, but what else is knew. Then Tweek spoke up again, "I guess, I should begin by saying that I didn't just move here Freshman year, I mean, I did move here, but I lived here before."

Craig honestly didn't know what to say so he just decided not to say anything. He simply just waited for Tweek to continue, he figured it would be better to wait until he got the full story.

"I lived here since I was born up until half way through seventh grade. I was always bullied throughout school, but it got really bad in Middle School. It got to the point where I was being physically and emotionally abused every day with no help from any of the staff and I just couldn't take it."

Tweek closed his eyes and Craig could see the hint of moisture in his eyes. "So, after the worst incident, where Cartman pushed me and I fell and got a concussion we decided to move.  I felt really guilt because my parents loved their coffee shop and to be honest, so did I. So we left for the rest of Middle School I was in a city a couple of towns over. We decided to come back for High School because we missed our coffee shop and I missed my friends."

Tweek finally looked up at Craig, "and that's where you come in. You, me, Token, and Clyde, we were the best of friends. We did everything together, especially us. You even used to say we were going to get married because who we already do everything together and it just made sense."

Craig could see the blush on Tweek's face as he started running his fingers through his hair. "It was stupid, but we were stupid kids anyways. Then when I came back, I tried talking to you, but you always seemed confused and disinterested, so after the first month I gave up talking to you. I still talked to Clyde and Token but only when you weren't around. It sucked, but after a while I got over it."

Craig felt stupid, he still didn't remembered any of what Tweek was talking about which made him somehow feel even worse. How could he have done this to Tweek? Sweet, pure, innocent Tweek. Craig met Tweek's eye and saw that he was crying. So he did the reasonable thing and hugged him tightly. Tweek has been keeping this in for a long time, all Craig could do was try and make up for it now. As Craig held Tweek, he was surprised to feel the wetness come from his own eyes.

Craig didn't even notice when the two of them ended up falling asleep on top of each other until it was too late and both of them were fast asleep. When Tweek's mother came in and saw the two of them asleep with matching streams of tears she just smiled and placed a blanket over them.

The Betजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें