Meeting the boys

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Chapter 4

The door slams open and all eyes fall on me. I take a moment to get used to the stares before I speak.

"It's raining outside."

My arm, weighed down by the soaking wet material of my clothes, releases the door as it shuts behind me.
Despite the growing puddle of water I was creating from my cloths and hair, I was quiet happy actually because I miss my first class of the day, Physics, and now late walked into English.

But it's not like I did it on purpose. I even woke up early and was on my way to school when I was halfway there it looked like I was going to rain, so I went back for my umbrella. Then it started raining.

Turns out I don't have an umbrella. So I started walking back to school. Then the smart girl I am realized she doesn't have her fucking backpack. So I walk back to my apartment in the rain, get my bag. Then walk back to school, in the rain.
So the water dripping down my face, clothes and hair is to be expected.

"Oh wow look its a wet dog," Kayla says to my right and the class snickers at her comment.

I shoot her a glare as I start shivering from the cold classroom. I do not handle the cold very well.

"Oh wow look it's a fake bitch with another original insult," I snap sarcastically.

"Blaze," Patrick says warningly and I hold my hands up in defense.

"Hey next time stop it before it starts, then this won't happen," I say with a shrug before looking for Mo.

Only to find the seat next to her is filled. She mouths a "sorry!" and I move on looking for an empty seat. And just my luck there is one left.
The seat is right next to and behind, two of the boys I was told to stay away from. To my happy surprise they are missing a pair of icy blue eyes that seems to be absent today.

Calmly I begin to walk towards my seat, trying not to think of a million ways this could go wrong. Just look straight ahead Blaze. Straight ahead.

I pass a browned hair boy in front of the only empty seat. He seems similar to Axel actually but not quite identical, brothers maybe? Or possibly cousins?

Regardless I catch the eye of the redhead next to him as she sizes me up and I can't resist an eye roll as I pass her by walking my seat. The girls at this school take cliche to a whole new level while I would like to get off the elevator.

The room is silent and all you can hear are the squeaks of my wet shoes and slosh of my wet cloths as I take my seat.

Glancing to the side I see blonde locks and I resist the urge to look up and meet his chocolate brown eyes. He's the charmer. That's what Mo and Hazel have told me. He gets any girl he wants.

Over the past week, I have been sticking to the rules Mo and I have set out.
Do not interact.

Those were my strict instructions. I even let Hazel in on my little secret that I would like to stay away from drama and attention. Hazel, just as Mo did, finds it entertaining and agreed to help, so the three of us are quickly growing close.

Turns out that Hazel really does not give a flying fuck what queen bitch says. Also Hazel says she sees her few friends outside of school enough that she doesn't mind ditching them for us at lunch.

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