Spend the Night

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"You live with Hazel?" Blaze asks staring up at the small three story home. It was quaint on the outside, but its what all of us combined could afford while still going to school.

"Not quite," I answer truthfully which causes her head to snap towards my direction.

"Well explain," she demands and I let out a long sigh.

"Long story short I live with 4 other people. Luckily only one of them should be home. I texted to ask for the house tonight," I answer scratching the back of my head trying not to drop names just yet, but she is not having any of my vagueness.

"And who all do you live with exactly?" she asks raising an eyebrow, having probably already figured it out.

"As you guessed Hazel but she-" Blaze cuts be off before I can continue.

"Is with Mo. They invited me over tonight too, but I was trying to keep my distance," she answers honestly and I like that, she is being honest.

"Well there is Mason, but he is staying at Jackson's tonight and that just leaves Jax," I say and she nods her head digesting the news. Honestly I don't think it shocked her very much, she had to have an idea.

"Anyone else?" she asks looking up at the windows on the front of the house as she closes the car door behind her.

"Well we used to live with this guy, but he moved out a while ago. He sometimes comes around though. I'm not sure if he'll be home-"

"E-Eric?" Blaze suddenly stammers and my head snaps toward her, never in a million years would I have thought she knew him.

"Snow?" And my head then snaps to Eric as he slowly climbs down the stairs staring at her in disbelief, and I wanted nothing more than to jump in front of her.

"No fucking way," he whispers and a small smile spreads on his lips.

"Eric!" She says and suddenly takes off running towards him, without a second hesitation he opens up his arms as she flies into them.

He stumbles back from the impact and chuckles as she wraps her arms around his neck, "I can't believe it," she mumbles into his shoulder.

He wraps his arms around her back and I feel my jaw clenched on its own accord.

"Me either, when you disappeared they said it was family issues. I never thought I'd see you again," he pulls her away to cup her face in his hands.

I couldn't take it anymore I grab Blaze's arm and yank her towards me till her back is pressed into my chest. There is so much we haven't talked about or said and so much I want to tell her, but it will only scare her away so I am letting things go slow. But in no way does that mean letting someone take her away from me, especially not Eric.

"Well, here she is," I say as glare at the man before me.

Eric's surprise only lasts for a moment before he takes me in and stands up straighter, "Yeah here she is, with you."

"How it should be," I counter back watching him closely.

Eric was once one of my closest friends, then he up and leaves for two years only to come back a couple weeks ago. He's almost a completely different person. Quieter and calmer than the hotheaded teen that would help me fix up cars at the shop. I would say he has matured but it wouldn't seem like the right either.

"Axel," Blaze mumbles and I tear my eyes away to look down at her, "He's an old friend."

The explanation doesn't seem to help, but I can't tell her how much I want to keep her locked away from him and anyone else that wants to take her from me. Jesus when did I turn into such a possessive guy, "I can see that."

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