Game day

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Chapter 11

"If we lose I'm blaming you and your negative vibes," Mason says to me as we walk towards the parking lot.

The boys need to grab their clothes from their cars and Hazel said she wanted to take me and Mo out to eat before the game started.

Apparently, we needed to show up pretty early to get seats so there was no time to waste.

I look over at Mason and glare daggers, "I said I don't like the cold, not that I didn't like football," I mumble as Hazel pulls me along with her, Complaining I was to slow.

"It was your decision to move up to Pennsylvania," he counters as Jackson calls his name, and he walks towards their car.

I snort at that, "like hell it was."

Suddenly Axel is on the other side of me, "so you didn't want to come here? Then why are you here? Was it not your decision?" He asks and I just glare up at him and I try not to smile while he smirks. He's been enjoying this. It's a game of cat and mouse to him.

He discovered that he likes teasing me.

"Oh of course it was! How I love the Steelers and negative degree weather and fucking Mormons everywhere!" I say sweetly tilting my head back and to the side, accidentally closing some distance between our faces.

"After all that's why you came here right? Or was it something else?" I continue to ask and his lip titles up into a smile.

Obviously I am more entertaining than he expected.

"I'll show you mine when you show me yours," he says casually.

"Never," I breath the cloud of my warm breath hitting his cheek as his grin grows.

"Come on Blaze!" Hazel yells yanking me with her and Mo as the boys wave goodbye.

I glance over my shoulder to see Axel still watching us, I blow a sarcastic kiss at him and he surprises me by pretending to catch it. I can't help but laugh as he tucks it into his front pants pocket.

"Idiot," I mouth to him before Hazel shoves me into the back seat of her Jeep.

We quickly get a bite to eat before Hazel drives to her house, picking all of us up an extra coat.

I don't have much time to examine the outside of her 5 bedroom house before she is back in the car with us and passing around coats.
She hands me a letterman that seems to be way out of her size range, but I brush it off and pull my arms through. Enjoying the instant warmth and the faintly familiar scent.

Once back at the school I see what Hazel meant by the crowd shows up early. More than an hour till the game and students, faculty, and parents are pulling into the stadium.

"Geez is this like a religion for you guys?" I ask sarcastically watching a group of girls walk through the ticket line.

"Practically," Jackson says from beside me as the four of us wait by the locker room to give a last good luck to the guys.

"I'm surprised you don't play," I say looking over at him lean against the wall.

"He's the baseball captain," Mo says looking at the crowds of people on line while standing in front of us.

"You know that?" Jackson asks surprised, and I raise an eyebrow at the two of them. More importantly how she isn't quiet around him like she is around Mason or Axel.

Mo shrugs her shoulder looking over at Jackson.
"I like baseball, it's more entertaining to me than football. So I keep up on how our team is doing," she pauses and even smiles, "congrats on last year by the way, another state championship won."

Jackson opens and closes his mouth like a fucking fish as Hazel calls Mo over to wish Jax luck as he is the first to leave the locker room out of everyone. She smiles one more time at us before following Hazel.

I glance at Jackson who is still staring at her, "come on! That can't be the first time you've heard that from a pretty girl," I tell him as he looks almost awe struck.

He tears his eyes away from her towards me, "she never compliments," he tells me and I'm surprised to hear that, "she is a perfectionist. So it has to be perfect for her to be satisfied."

"You know her so well," I say slowly trying not to smile.

"Hazel started hanging with her about the same time I came to town," Jackson says scratching the back of his head, "we were both new to everyone, so it helped not to be alone dealing with Axel."

I roll my eyes at the mention of Axel's protectiveness, "that guy makes life hell sometimes," I mumble but Jackson hears it and smirks.

"Seems he's warming up to you pretty quick though," he says and I snort at him.

"Yeah because he wants something from me," I say and suddenly Mason is calling Jackson over.

I wave and shout good luck before the two of them start their habitual wrestling and rough housing. They were like brothers. Rolling my eyes at the pair I take out my phone to check how low the temperature will get tonight because ya girl is not about this weather. It was nothing like this in California.

Suddenly I feel an arm weight down across my shoulders, expecting it to be Mason I prepare my elbow to collide with his ribs.

However when I glance up I freeze looking into crystal blues eyes that hold a playful gleam. I try hardest to not let my heart race at the fact he no longer glares at me, that he even joked with me now. I try to convince myself that this is him trying to find my secrets out, but when he does things like this so casually it's hard to think straight.

"How about," he begins with a side grin, "for every pass I make that leads to a touch down. You spill a secret."

I laugh still looking up at him, "how about for every pass you make that leads to a touch down. I'll actually clap," I offer instead and he shakes his head.

"Not enough," he tells me and I pretend to think about it for a second, even pouting my lips and tapping my chin.

"How about," he continues getting impatient, "you scream my name."

A smile breaks out across my face as I tilt my head to the side, "Axel did you just you a line on me?" I ask faking astonishment.

He shrugs the shoulder with the arm that is still around my shoulders, "I thought about being subtle," he says grinning, "but being direct seems to be the only way to get through to you."

"Players huddle up on the field!" I hear a commanding voice sound.

"Oh," I say and try to look behind Axel but he says rooted blocking my view, "sounds like you're being summoned to the field."

He sighs before removing his arm and I instantly feel colder without it.

"I want to hear you screaming my name," he tells me with a pointed look and I just laugh at how that must sound to anyone that was listening.

He starts to turn around but stops talking in my outfit and smirking.
"By the way, you look good in my letterman," he adds before walking off to the field following the rest of the slower pokes of the team.

"This is Hazel's!" I call after him and he turns around to jog backwards.

"Who do you think she stole it from?!" He yells and I watch him retreat while my mouth hangs open.

"Sorry It slips my mind," Hazel says coming up next to having heard the part of the conversation that we yelled.

I turn my head to see her smiling, "Yeah, sure, of course," I mutter as she leads us towards the stadium.


Here ya go my beautiful people

Next One is a real treat

(May be Axels POV for half of it )


Ya main Bitch

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