Chapter 12

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Her legs burned.

But she didn't stop.

She couldn't stop.

She heard yelling down the corridor, possibly around the corner. It was a deep voice. Accompanied by a high pitched one.

"Shut up," the deep voice said.
She ran faster.

She slowed down when she was near the corner. She pressed her back all the way against the wall. She turned her head slightly around the corner.

It was Dolohov. He had his wand raised, and he was cornering a sixth year girl. Maddix, was her last name, if she could recall.

Maddix was trembling, her lips were quivering, tears were making thick, shiny trails down her cheeks.

Hermione turned fully into the corner, raised her wand, and whispered the unforgivable. "Crucio."

Dolohov fell to the floor in a heap of spasming mass. She snapped her head up, and looked the Maddix girl in the eyes.



"You have to hurry. Soon, he'll be up again, and ready to take revenge." Hermione's eyes were blazing, and it seemed to have scared the girl.

Maddix nodded her head, said thank you, and scurried off.

Hermione looked back at the man who was very still. Huffing, she turned back and started to take a step. Something grabbed onto her ankle, and knocked her down to the marble floor.

She gasped as she was dragged back. She turned her head to see Dolohov, awaken with a murderous glint in his eyes. He grabbed her waist and dragged her so she was underneath him. He was straddling her hips, he grasped her wrists in a very tight grip.
Hermione thrashed around, kicking because her legs were the only thing that were able to move. She froze when he moved one of his hands to her hip.

"You're such a pretty mudblood," he whispered, "Might as well put you to use before you're dead."

His hand went under her shirt, and he touched her bare stomach. She started thrashing again, this time shrieking.


Dolohov began pushing away her jacket, and sliding his hands downwards towards the waistline of her jeans. Her jean button popped open, and he began messing with his pants.

She started to scream more loudly.

His hand glided up, along with her shirt.

Hermione heard footsteps echoing against the walls. They stopped, and she heard a animalistic growl, which turned into a snarl. The footsteps started again, coming towards her.
Dolohov's head snapped up just before whoever was coming tackled him off of her.

She sat upright and shuffled her feet for her to move backwards. Her back hit the wall, and she had no choice but to watch the scene before her.


He heard shouting.

Not really.

It was screaming.

Granger was screaming.

He ran and he could hear her cries for help grow louder as he got closer.

He ran into a girl, bright green eyes, blonde hair, a sixth year Slytherin. He quickly pushed her out of the way, and he stopped in front of a passageway to a hallway.

It was Granger, underneath a deatheater. Dolohov to be exact. He could smell the bastard's scent from anywhere. She was thrashing, and he was-

He was trying to rape her.

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