Temporary Hiatus

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I know you guys are waiting for the next chapter, but I've honestly got no ideas. 

None. Literally zero. 

I've never had writer's block this bad before without deleting a story, but I'm determined to finish this one because my last Kyoya series was a fucking disaster and, honestly, a disgrace to my profile. I'm making it up to my original readers with this story, and I hope you're not disappointed so far. 

I think the hiatus was fairly obvious since I haven't uploaded a chapter for like 2 months, but I wanted to tell you what's going on anyway. I'm procrastinating like nuts and I'm just going to avoid this story until I can think of something to write. 

An idea will come to me, I promise, but as of right now, I'm officially obsessed with MARVEL because of Thor: Ragnarok (seen it in the cinema 3 times and I still love it) and I'm reading a shitload of Loki fanfictions to pass the time. 

Business (Kyoya Ootori)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz