Let's get real

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Okay, queens. Time for me to get serious. 

Ugh. I hate this.

But once again, I have to give up on Kyoya.

I've struggled with this story for months. When I started it, I had a plan, but then it changed over and over again when I got new ideas in my head and I couldn't bring it all together. I thought I'd fixed the loophole but I highkey made it worse. Whoops.

One day, I'll try again with Kyoya, but right now, that little glasses bitch is haunting me. All of my pending stories are driving me crazy. I've got the worst possible case of writer's block I've ever had. I've got nothing for ANY of my stories. I get about 300 words in then realise it's absolute shit. 

This bastard of a series and it's ridiculously stupid characters is making me lose my mind. It's so hard to have to write for them all (because the host club does everything together) and still center my story around one piece of shit out of six or seven or whatever. 

So #byefelicia. 

I really won't miss you, Kyoya. Until in about 3 months when I try again because I'm a retard. 

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