Chapter 7

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A/N - you know, it took me like a whole month to figure out that my first Kyoya story got removed from Wattpad. I cracked up laughing, tbh. It was hilarious!!! About time, lmao, that shit had so many red flags. It was so disturbingly dark, I'm surprised it took them this long! Thank god my 13-year-old phase didn't follow me into this story.

Also, guess who's back. Back again. Nightie's back. Tell a friend. 

So I made a mistake. A big one. I'm trying to figure out a way to fix it without any loopholes, but it's pretty hard! That's what I've been doing since the start of March, so I've been working really hard on this one, but it's nearly impossible because I'm an idiot and I forgot that I added one HUGE detail to one of my chapters that completely overrides my original plot idea. 

Oh well. I'll try. ALSO, IT'S SELF PROMO TIME!!!! So I released a new one-shot book to write in during my lengthy hiatuses and I'm planning on writing a little Kyoya/Isabella one! I know most of you don't ship those two together yet because there's not a lot of ~chemistry~ atm, but their relationship is very slowly starting to build! It has been since that dream kiss! It's been so subtle that none of you noticed it (probably not even me lmao, smh) but it's definitely there in between the lines!

I may or may not be listening to 30-minute versions of Mariokart DS music. Ah, nostalgia, thou art a little bitch. Anyway, on with chapter 7. Y'all been waiting like 12 years in Azkaban for this one, so I hope it's good! 

Chapter 7 - Insert 'Fall Out Boy' Song Title Here

It was raining in the morning when my alarm went off. The sun wasn't up yet, but I sighed heavily and pushed back the covers of my bed, yawning loudly. My vision was blurred and my eyes kept trying to close as I lazily got dressed. I almost forgot that Haruhi was with me until she bumped into me - I nearly screamed out of surprise - searching for her glasses.

Yesterday, when the Hosts arrived for the holidays, it only took Tamaki three hours before he totalled poor Kaz's kennel. The pup was so upset that he even refused to go on his walk and spent all day pouting on the couch inside, rejecting anyone who tried to comfort him. 

"Morning, Isabella-senpai," Haruhi said. "What time is it?" 

I looked her guiltily, rubbing the back of my neck as I murmured, "Six." She just nodded though and proceeded to get dressed as well. "You know, you d-don't have to call me Isabella. K-Kyoya does, but just Bella is fine." 

She nodded again and I smiled a little. I guess she doesn't talk much in the morning. I don't blame her. When she pulled on a baggy green t-shirt to wear with her khaki shorts, I realised that she actually was rather boyish. I suppose Tamaki wasn't so stupid for thinking she was a boy for so long.

I heard a sudden gasp and I spun around, seeing Haruhi with her glasses on, staring right at me with widened eyes. Her mouth opened and closed as she struggled to find the words to speak up, but she finally raised a shaky finger, pointing at me. 

"Bella-senpai! Your hair!" 

Without warning, a small giggle escaped my lips. One that quickly turned into full-fledged laughter. Tears streamed down my face and I couldn't breathe. "Your reaction!" I managed to shout past my giggles. Soon enough, she joined me, both of us clutching our stomachs as we laughed and laughed. 

"Hey, Bella-senpai, I've been wanting to ask." I looked at her with wide eyes, feeling my smile fade as my anxiety struck me. "No, don't worry, I don't think it's anything too personal or whatever," she said, sweatdropping as she waved her hands in a cross. "I just wanted to ask: how come your first name is English and your last name is Japanese?" 

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