24| If I have to settle, I guess you'll do...

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Before I met you, I never knew
what it was like to be able to look at
someone and smile for no reason.

Anthony's POV

I step into the school and meet up with Michael.

"How was your weekend?" He asks, smirking.

I punch his arm and say, "Shut it."

He laughs and says, "Please tell me you made a move. It's obvious you guys like each other. Well, I think she likes you?"

"She does," I say automatically.

"So something did happen?" He asks.

"We kissed." I cough out.

"Did you ask her out after?" He asks.

"No..." I say, realizing my mistake. "What if she thinks it was a one-time thing?" I murmur to myself. What if she finds someone better? It's been less than 24 hours. And?

Michael raises his eyebrow, and I say, "I have to go find her."

"If you see Cece, tell her I said hi," Michael says.

"You should stop being a dick to her. How will she ever like you if she gets annoyed by your presence?" I ask. He rolls his eyes and shoos me away.

I gaze around the commons and see my Sunshine isn't here. Maybe at her locker? Large groups form in those hallways too. I walked towards the hallway and spotted Cece near the stairs.

She notices me walking toward her and freezes. "Have you seen Su- Kathy?" I ask.

"She said she's sick. But this time, I think she's skipping." She answers.

"Why? Is she in danger?" She asks in a lower voice.

I feel my shoulders sag and say, "Oh no. I just wanted to ask her something. It's not important."

Before I could walk away, she said, "If you were to try and look for her, I would suggest checking places she's taken you to. Especially if one were high."

I narrow my eyes and ask, "Do you know where she is?"

"As her best friend, I can't tell you. But to save you time, don't bother checking her apartment." She says. Where else have you gone with her?

"Thanks... By the way, Michael says hi." I say, starting to walk away.

"Tell him to go fuck himself for me." She says nicely.

The bell rings, and I see Michael still in the commons area. "I'm leaving. Cece said go fuck yourself." I say to him.

Before he could respond, I was already heading for the exit. I get in my car and start to think. You've only been high once with Kathy.

I barely remember what happened after my first few classes. But I remember waking up in that forest, Which she took you to while you were high.

Hoping Cece's hint meant this, I started to back out of my parking spot. Deciding to take a quick food stop, I order her a sundae from McDonald's. I hope the ice cream machine actually works.

But why are we here? I don't know if she's ignoring me, but if I give her food, she might at least let me talk to her for a minute.

I park near the forest and walk around. I start scanning the area and spot the treehouse. I walk up to it but see no ladder on the side.

I hear someone humming and hope it's her. If it's not? Then I have no clue where she is.

"Sunshine?" I shout.

I hear the humming stop and stay put. "I bought you your favorite ice cream," I say. Wouldn't it be funny if you actually got her least favorite ice cream? Haha. See, I'm laughing.

"A sundae?" I hear her ask.

"Of course," I say.

She throws down the ladder, and my heart rate picks up. Fuck. I'm nervous. Why? Because I haven't seen her since kissing her.

I climb up and crawl inside the treehouse. "I remember it being bigger when I was high." I joke.

She laughs and says, "You're just tall."

I hand her her sundae, and she sinks back into her bean bag chair. I sit on the other one, and it's awkward for a few moments.

"Can we talk?" I ask nervously.

"I'll allow it. You did bring me a sundae." She says, placing it on a mini table.

"Why did you decide to skip school? Are you avoiding me?" I ask. Oh, so no beating around the bush? Okay.

"I'm not avoiding you." She answers defensively.

"Did that kiss mean anything to you?" She asks quietly. She looks away, so I kneel before her and cup her cheek. She glances at me, and I can tell she's just as nervous as me. Kiss her already.

"It meant the whole fucking world to me," I whisper sincerely.

Her face lights up, and she asks, "Really? Are you sure?"

I chuckle and say, "Sunshine, you're literally my dream girl."

She pulls me closer and crushes her lips against mine. She wraps her legs around my waist, and I nibble at her lip. Finally!

She tugs on my hair, and I grunt, wanting to feel her touch forever. I feel her smirk, and I mumble against her lips, "Shut it."

We separate to breathe, but I keep my arms locked around her. I settle in the bean bag chair and place her on my lap.

"I know this has taken way longer than it should have. Definitely on me for chickening out multiple times. But, will you go out with me?" I ask, scratching the back of my neck.

"If I have to settle, I guess you'll do..." She says playfully. "I would love to go out with you." She answers. Awww, she's adorable. I can't believe she's actually into you.

I press my lips against hers, and she cups my cheek. "Do you really think you're settling?" I ask curiously.

"You think I'll let just anyone bag this?" She asks, motioning to herself. I peck her nose, and she giggles. "You're it for me. I'm set for life." She says.

Knowing what she's implying, I attack her with more kisses. She laughs, and she relaxes in my arms. I really do think she's the one.

"Okay, enough with this lovey-dovey shit. It makes me feel like a character from romance books." She says. About that. Huh?


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Byeeeeeeeeee! 👋

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