The Pain of the Holidays

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He glanced all over your body, then jumped up in the air.

"Oooohhh!!! Idea!" He glanced at your torso.

"Please Anti, don't do this. I know you can be better." You knew he was only mad because Jack never let him go. "Your misunderstood! Let me help!" You cried.

"No!" His voice kept glitching out like a video game. "You think you can help me? No one can help! I, am the only one who can help me! I have my ways of solving my problems, and you have yours. Let's try to keep it that way, shall we?"

He seemed so convinced that no one could help him. So convinced that the only way to solve his problems was pain. But you didn't know why.

He grabbed a knife from the table.

"I-I thought..." You were even more scared. He enjoyed it.

"Shut, up!" He said again. He looked at your torso, and smirked.

"Stop! Please!" You yelled.

"I'm not gonna tell you AGAIN!" He said. "SHUT, UP!" He commanded once more.

He kneeled down so he was eye level with you. He took the knife and cut the buttons off of your buttoned-up t-shirt. It looked like a stupid jacket with no buttons afterwards.

You breathed heavily, and Anti could smell your fear. "I love it." He said.

Please, don't...He already knew what you were gonna say.

"Don't worry lass, I won't." He placed down the knife, and took the shard of the ornament.

"Merry Christmas my darling. You wanted decorations. You didn't say how." He laughed with a glitch.

He cut into your body just below your bra. The cut wasn't that deep, but it was deep enough to draw blood, and put you in intense pain. You winced in pain, trying to hold back tears. It didn't work.

You didn't dare scream, or beg him to stop. But at this point, the pain was so bad, your voice escaped.

"PLEASE! STOP! I BEG OF YOU!" You yelled.

"Why? This is so much fun!" He said. He laughed as he cut deeper.

You screamed, and you screamed, and you screamed some more. Anti didn't seem to care.


He barely answered. He just laughed in his evil little laugh. He stopped for a moment.

"I'm a little tired of this. I wanna do something different." He said.

He got closer to your face, and you couldn't move backwards. He placed his lips onto yours once more. You couldn't move at all, so you had to take the torture he would inflict upon you.

He kissed you passionately, and you hated every moment of it. He slowly moved to your cheek, and down to your neck.

You tried to move your head so there was barely any space for him, but he grabbed your head and pushed it back, holding it in place.

"Please..." You whispered. "Please stop..."

You then felt even more pain, but not on your torso. You completely forgot about his fangs, and he was biting your neck like a vampire. You screamed again.

Finally he stopped and let go of your head. You didn't move it. You didn't want to look into his cold eyes.

"Look at me." He said. You didn't move.

"Look at me!" He yelled. You finally moved.

You looked all around his face. He wore a creepy smile, as your own blood was on his fangs, lips, and a little was dripping off his chin.

Dark Corners (Antisepticeye X Reader Fan fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin