The Persistence Of Time

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I have lost my perspective on time.

Age is lost to me.

Now...Now when I am young, vulnerable, and naive.

But I can feel it. God, I can feel the decades creeping into my skin and weighing down. Dragging me to the Earth until I am nothing but a pile of dust.

How many years? How many years will I walk freely, embracing time as a friend. Swearing it as my enemy as the years start coming and they never stop leaving, dragging me into the darkness I had so much feared.

I will be a feeble old man in the blink of an eye.

Snaggle-toothed and blind.

Deaf in one ear and hair so thin, you'd be able to see the spots on my scalp.

They'll call me crazy for believing in this madness.

For believing the arbituary truth, many have fearfully labeled as time.

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