Chapter 24: Girl Chat

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*Dedicated to lalamorina*

Jasmine's POV

I tidied up my mother's room for her arrival. She would be home in two days. The surgery was successful but they needed to keep her for further observation. I couldn't wait for her to be back into the house. We missed her so much.

"So, have you gotten in touch with Bradley yet to thank him?" my sister asked. She was assisting me with the cleaning.

"No. I've even tried his Facebook page but I can't contact him. And it appears he changed his number."

"Hmm, I just don't understand it. He paid for Mom's transplant while he vanished into thin air? That just doesn't sound like Bradley to me. He's too boastful to do something so private."

"You have a point, but if Bradley didn't do it, then who? He was the only one I told about mom's condition. He was the only one who knows the amount of money to pay for it," I recalled, mopping the floor in the bedroom.

"Yeah, you're right. I am just surprise by his behavior. He was so determined to get you back, and I thought you would of given him a chance after that deed. But he just upped and left," she said, tucking the bed sheets under the mattress.

"You know what? I'm only grateful that he did what he did. Mom is coming home on Friday and that's all that matters to me right now."

"Me as well."

We cleaned up and sat down in the living room watching television, eating popcorn and having a girly chat. It had been ages since we'd talked like sisters; mom's condition caused a gap between us. Every discussion we'd had always ended in tears or us shouting at each other and pulling away from the solid bond we ought to have had.

"Jassy, what's the relationship with you and your boss now?" she asked suddenly, changing the topic from fashion to my relationship with my employer.

I almost choked on the non-alcoholic sparkling beverage. "Zen! There's no relationship with me and my boss. Why would you even ask that?"

"I'm wondering something."

"And what's that?"

"What if he sweeps you off your feet? Takes you to the life of a billionaire's wife and baby mother, wouldn't that be everything?"

"Girl would you stop dreaming for me. Mr. Evan Hollen is one of the richest young men in all of America. He has women lined up waiting for their chance with him. Do you really believe that he would want to settle down with his assistant? And to get even more specific, a black assistant?"

"Why are you labeling yourself like if you're not a human being?" she asked with a scolding expression.

"I know I'm human. The point I'm trying to make is that I can't compete with those women he normally dates. Look at Jessica Hills for example. She's everything."

"Eww, Jessica Hills is a fake celebrity. Rumor has it that she's bankrupted. I believe that is why she landed on to Evan Hollen. She's a leech."

"Well you can't believe everything you read on the internet. She said her family has shares in Hollen Tower so it's impossible for her to be broke."

"I still don't like her," she let out, stuffing her mouth with popcorn and turning back to the television show.

My mind reflected on the episode with Evan Hollen and I in the elevator.

"You know, I did had another encounter with him recently."

"Apart from you sleeping together?" Her eyes lit up with the new gossip.

Zenia was always keen for a good gossip but she wasn't the type to go off running her mouth. I trusted her one hundred percent. She was my best friend-- my only friend. I confided in her.

"Well it happened in the elevator. Remember that day when Bradley and I picked you up to go to the hospital?"

She nodded yes.

"Well, when I got into the elevator to leave the building, Hollen got in with me."

"Are you serious? So he does like you! This is awesome!" she interrupted with her extra excitement.

"Zen, would you hush so I could tell you how it went down?" I snapped, jokingly, at her, bringing out the blackness in me.

"Sorry. Please go on," she poked out her tongue at me.

I laughed. "Okay, so when the elevator got to ground level, I was about to step out but he closed in the door."

"OMG! OMG! Why am I now hearing about this?" she interrupted again.

I rolled my eyes. "So I was like, 'What are you doing? Open the door.' But he wouldn't listen. Girl, he got so close to me, I could feel his heat all over my body. I'll admit I wanted him right there in that damn elevator. He whispered in my ears, his voice was so seductive and sexual."

"Well, what did he say?"

"He said, 'I know you have feelings for me but you're scared to act on it' or something like that."

"Are you serious? So was there a make out session? Did he kiss you?"

"Yes!" I answered with a laugh, blushing and covering my face with my hands and feeling like I'd won a prize.

"Juicy stuff. I can't believe you didn't say anything."

"Well it didn't end smoothly. When he pinned me against the elevator and began kissing my neck and making me melt, I still managed to pushed him away and bring up Jessica's name."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because he gave her a ring, Zen."


"I believe so. I didn't hear anything about it, like in the papers or through the grapevine, but he gave her a ring for certain."

"Well that didn't stop him from kissing you."

"He even offered to take me and you to the hospital to see mom that very day."

"For real bitch? So why didn't you accept his offer, and I thought he didn't know about mom?"

"He knew she's in the hospital but I wasn't specific with her condition. And I didn't accept because Bradley was already taking us, duh!" I said, giving her an obvious look.

"To hell with Bradley!"

"How could you say that after he paid for mom's--"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know."

I gave her a playful push and continued to watch the show, The Parkers. I loved me some Mo'nique.

A knock on the door made us a bit startled. I looked up at the wall clock. It was 7:01 pm.

"You're expecting company?" I asked Zenia, thinking it had to be one of her college friends.

"No. You know I don't invite anyone over here," she answered.

We got off the couch and I went to the door with Zenia tailing me. I opened the door slowly. I couldn't believe my eyes.

He flashed a bright smile.

"What are you doing here Bradley?" Zenia asked, taking a stand right by my side.



Brad is back.

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