And The DNA Test Says....

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Evan's POV

He had my grey eyes, my hair texture and color, and my complexion when I was newly born.  Mom took countless pictures of when Emily and I were babies, and Jevan resembled me. I had no doubt in my mind; he was absolutely my son.

Jasmine had been discharged the following day after she had given birth. I took her and the baby back home. I knew I said that, when the baby came, Jasmine would have to find somewhere to stay, but Jevan was too young to be outdoors so soon, and the police detectives still hadn't found out who attacked her during the early stage of the pregnancy. All of that just made me unsettled to have Jevan out there.

I had already bought everything a baby needs: from cribs and countless pieces of clothes, to newborn baby formula. She had everything she needed for Jevan, and she wasn't to worry about a thing.

I watched him as he slept so peacefully in the crib. Mom, Dad, EJ, Emily, Susan and Zenia met us at the hospital when everything had settled down and Jasmine regained her strength. They all couldn't wait to see our boy. He was only two days old and already such a delight.

As I watched him slept, I imagined all the things in store for him. I would spoil him rotten, and I knew Mom and Dad would do the same-- their first grandchild and the heir to the Hollens throne.

*Two Months Later*

"Baby, are you ready to set the official date so I can start sending out wedding invitations?" Aria asked as we cuddle up together in the pool.

"Sure. How does the end of July sound?"

"Excited," she answered and planted a kiss on my lips before getting out.

"Where are you going?"

"To tell my family and my friends!" she called back and wrapped a bath towel around her slim figure, making a beeline inside the house .

I floated around, thinking about the wedding day and if I was making the right decision.

Of course I am.

I got out when my skin became wrinkled. Jasmine was sitting inside with Jevan in her arms as she breastfed him. She was a great mom.

"You know, I never told you congratulations," she said as she saw me looking on. 

"Thanks," I answered coldly and dried my hair while I went upstairs.

Aria was making and answering phone calls as if she were working in a telephone company.

"Baby, something has been on my mind," she said once she had finished.

It was late afternoon and we were now laying in bed.

"What's that?"

"You never did get a DNA test done on Jevan and yourself," she answered and looked over to me.

"Aria, are you serious?" I groaned.

"Yes, I am. You can't tell if you're the father just by looking at him, Evan. Of course, he has the grey eyes and complexion, but are you the only man in the world with such qualities?"

"Aria, I really don't want to do this with you again. I really don't."

"And, why not? Are you scared you just might get the shock of your life? Jasmine shouldn't be scared to have you issue one if she has nothing to hide. And you shouldn't be afraid if you're really confident that he is your son. Are you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid!" I almost snapped at her.

"Well then prove it. Get a DNA test done."

"Fine. If that's going to shut you up once and for all."

I clapped my hands and the lights turned off. Sleep took over.

The next morning, I told Jasmine I wanted a DNA test to be done, and, of course, that made her upset, but it wasn't new to her, so I couldn't understand why she was acting like this.

On my way to the office, Aria, Jevan and I stopped by a private DNA center where the test would be done. I had to await five days for the official results.

"He's my son," I said as I placed him into the car with Aria. They were going back to the house with Fisher and I was going to work.

"Okay, Evan, if you say so. And I'm beginning to think he actually is your son," she responded. She took Jevan into her arms. "I wouldn't harm him," she quickly said, "What kind of woman do you think I am?"

"Drive safe, Fisher. You got my kid in there," I called out to him.

"Yes, boss."

I watched as the car drove away before I got in mine.


Five Days Later

My cellphone buzzed in my pocket as I walked downstairs to get to my car.

"Evan Hollen."

"This is Melani Thompson. I'm calling from the DNA center. Your results are in, sir."

"Thanks Miss Thompson. I'll be right down."

I got into my car and drove out of the gate. I was in the best of moods. Aria would finally shut up about having a DNA test issued. Even Zack saw that Jevan was my son, and he was on Aria's side.

She knew he was my son, but she couldn't accept that he was.

"Hello, Mr. Hollen," a woman greeted, and I assumed she was the one who called. "Here's the results." She handed me a large brown envelope.

Anxiously, I opened the envelope and scanned the papers. I hadn't done a DNA test before nor did I know anyone who had one.

"Excuse me, what's this?" I asked and showed her a graph at the bottom.

"Oh, we do that to calculate the probabilities."

"Oh. And what's the DNA result?"

I handed her the paper.

"In the case of two months old Jevan Hollen, you're not the father."


" In. The. Case. Of. Two. Months. Old. Jevan. Hollen. You're. Not. The. Father," she repeated slower as my head spun faster and faster. "It states that right here at the end."

I grabbed the papers out of her hands and looked them over. She was right. I wasn't the father.

My son isn't my son!

I got into my car, threw the envelope on the seat opposite me, made a U turn and headed back to my house.



This is some Maury shit.


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