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Evan's POV

"The good news: Miss Blackman and the baby are both okay. We've managed to stop the bleeding; but, the bad news is, she lost a great deal of blood. The silver lining is, in time of pregnancy, a woman's body produces enough red blood cells for the growing and developing fetus, so the body is practically healing itself. You're very lucky," the doctor said.

I exhaled heavily, as if I had been holding in my breath forever.

Thank you Jesus.

"Is she awake?" I wanted to see her.


He ushered us to room 207, where Jasmine was wide awake and looking at the television.

"She's one tough cookie," the doctor whispered, "but please don't make her upset or say anything to her that would cause her to become distressed. The baby's condition is still very fragile. We'd like her to remain here for three days for further observation."

"We understand," we replied and nodded.

"I'll let the two of you go in first then I'll go," I said to Zenia and Susan and stepped aside. I wanted to give them their privacy with her, and I needed to pray some more.

After fifteen minutes, Susan and Zenia came over to get me.

"Here," I said as I placed a key into Susan's hand.

"What's this?"

"It's a key to one of my penthouse. I wouldn't be comfortable if you returned back to the apartment and the culprit hasn't been caught as yet. My penthouse has one of the best security systems, so I know you two would definitely be safe there."

"Thank you. Thank you so much," Susan said and pulled me into one of the biggest hugs I'd ever had in my life.

"You're welcome."

I had Fisher come to pick them up and drop them off at the penthouse while I stayed with Jasmine. 

For the first time since the pregnancy, she had been talking and laughing with me on a friendly level. I didn't know if it was the painkillers or medication that had that effect on her, but she was in the best of moods I had ever seen. I almost missed having her in my life everyday.


Zenia's POV

Evan's personal driver pulled the car into a parking lot of a big hotel.

"He also wanted me to tell you that it's free of cost, so you don't have to worry about anything. You can stay as long as you'd like. And, also, it's only twenty minutes away from his mansion," the driver, whom I believed was called Fisher, said to us, and we followed him upstairs.

Mom opened the door.

"Please place your hand over this monitor," Fisher said.

Mom did as she was told.

"Now you," he said and looked at me. 

I placed my hand over the monitor. 

A blue light flashed and my palm was scanned for the security system.

"Good. Enjoy your stay," he said before leaving.

I looked around in amazement and, for the first time in my life, "talkative Zenia" was speechless. This place took my breath and words away.

Expensive furniture decorated the living and sitting rooms.

My feet carried me through doors  and more doors, and I lost it when I saw a swimming pool.

"Mom! There's a fucking swimming pool in here!"

"Language Zen!" Mom scolded me as she looked around too, a big smile on her face and excitement in her eyes.

I roamed the entire penthouse as if I were a child on the playground. Everything was so well kept, new and modern.

I found myself a big bedroom and crashed down onto the bed. The comfort and softness of the sheets, and the mattress underneath, aided me as I fell into a deep sleep.


Evan's POV

"Bradley Pittsburg is currently out of the country. He's in Paris, to be exact, and he has been there since last weekend. He's with his fiancee, child, and unborn child," Detective Charles said.

It has been two days since Jasmine was attacked and there still weren't any leads on who the attacker was. Jasmine couldn't identify the intruder but she knew it was a male/man and his voice was familiar to her. She just couldn't place it to the person immediately.

"Isn't there any possible way that Pittsburg could have come back and did this? He does have his own private plane. He could've easily flown out here, committed the crime, and went back to Paris like nothing happened," I said to them.

He and his partner, Detective St. Clair, had come over to my house to inform me that the main suspect was no longer a suspect, but I couldn't be bought that easily.

"His plane never entered U.S. airspace. Believe me, we've tried looking for any possible way. So the person who actually did the crime is still out there. In the meantime, I think you should keep Jasmine safe. We'll try to find out more as we continue to investigate."

"Thank you, detectives," I said as I walked them out.

"Hi baby, how are you?" Aria asked me as she came through the door an hour later.

I was on my way out to see Jasmine at the hospital.

"I'm going out," I answered.


"The hospital."

"You're going to see her again, Evan? You've been there over one hundred times since she's been admitted to the hospital! So, you're not going to spend time with me today; you'd rather go to see her instead?"

"Look, don't start this all over again, please. I'm going to see her and be there for my kid."

"A kid that just might not be yours?!"

My blood became hot. Just leave it to Aria to spoil my mood and throw that detail back into my face.

Without another word I took my car keys and left. I wasn't in the mood for the argument with her but I couldn't shake the thought from my head.

What if she was right and he wasn't even my son? How would I take that?

I got to the hospital and went towards a smiling Jasmine.

"You're back so soon?" she asked.

"Yes. I told you I'd be back, and I brought you this. Your favorite, chicken soup," I said and handed her the bowl of steaming soup.

"Thank you," she said and began eating. "Oh, Evan, I've been thinking that we should start choosing baby names, although we don't know the sex of the baby. It could still be fun to choose a boy's name or a girl's name. Don't you think?"

"Wow. That hadn't even crossed my mind yet. I don't know where to begin," I said with a small laugh, and she laughed along with me.



😋of course it wouldn't cross your mind Evan. You're the type guy of guy who'll say 'Evan Junior' for a boy and 'Evan Junior' for a girl.


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