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"What were you thinking? Do you want to be sent to isolation the entire time you're here?"
I roll my eyes at my mentor and cross my arms. "He's my boyfriend! I should be allowed to see him." I sniff. Fucking stupid cock blocker brother of mine. Ugh.
Kim Seokjin or father Kim scowls at me. "This place doesn't work like that and you know that. Intimate relations aren't allowed here and I know I told you this first thing. I'm afraid you'll have to stay away from Park Jimin or you'll be sent to another camp." He threatens and my eyes widen.
"You can't do that!" I yell.
He sighs. "Not me. But when I call your parents and let them know what happened I'm sure they'll be only to happy to send you somewhere even more strict than us here." He raises a brow.
Fuck. "Did you call my parents?" I panic.
He calms and straightens his shirt. "I haven't. Yoongi has asked me to give you another chance. I don't understand what stems this hatred towards your brother but he's just looking out for you. If he didn't he would have thrown you under the bus like everyone else." He smiles.
I roll my eyes and plop down on my bed. I hate to think what my perfect brother is putting Jimin through right now. "It won't happen again but can I please at least see him in public...around others?" I ask mildly, trying to behave.
He eyes me for a long time before nodding. "Supervised but yes, I'll allow that."
I smile and pull my knees up to my chest, watching as he undresses and changes into his white pajamas. How can he look so damn pure? So flawless?
"How does one as young as you get into this gig anyway?" I ask.
He looks back at me in surprise. "My father was a minister and his grandfather as well. It's always been known I'd be placed in a position such as this. Both wanted to be priests as well but married first. Priests, as you know, can't be tainted, has to stay pure. Can't be married." He shrugs. "I never met someone I really liked anyways so I didn't fight it."
I frown at him. He seems rather lonely. "I'm sorry. If I can be honest, it sounds like a horrible life."
He chuckles. "It's not for everyone. You have to be fully committed. Something I've worked hard to accomplish." He explains quietly while climbing into bed. I mull over his words while thinking about my hyung.
"D-do you think Yoongi hyung really wants to be a priest? I always hear appa talking and teaching at him but I don't think I've ever once heard him say it's what he wants."
He smiles. "Honestly? I'm not sure. He seems to be dedicated to this lifestyle but do I think it's mostly forced upon him? I do. He's a strong man but...doesn't know how to stand up for himself. Especially from a well respected figure such as your appa."
Frowning, I wonder if my hyung has ever been happy. I've never actually seen him smile. Like...ever. If he does it's so unrealistically fake I almost cringe. I think it's why I despise him so much. He's so unreal to me. Doesn't let the humanness of him come out. He always seems to be made of stone or something.
"Well...he'll definitely have his hands full with Jimin." I scoff. "I do believe he could make a saint sin. He's a piece of work." I laugh.
      Father Kim tilts his head. "He seemed nice enough. I suppose this will be another great test for Yoongi then." He smiles.
     I ponder our conversation. "Can I ask you something else?"
     "Go ahead."  
     "D-do you want to actually bring Yoongi into this lifestyle. Excuse me if I'm a little out of line but...I kinda notice that you seem hesitant when talking about him and his priesthood. Do you think he'll make it? Or hope he will?"
      He stares at the ceiling silently for so long that I think he forgot to answer me but finally he opens his mouth once more. "I hope he fails, Hoseok. I truly don't think Yoongi belongs in this world. His mind is too tainted by the poison your appa spews to him. It goes beyond religion, our beliefs, or even holiness. I think it could damage him even more to be forced into such a position. Of course it's not my place to speak out against it if Yoongi wants to follow his appa's orders. But, no. I hope he changes his mind or fails his tests."
      His answer completely floors me and I'm left tossing and turning the rest of the night wondering if there really is anything wrong with my hyung. And if Jimin is safe being in his care.

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