Chapter 12 - Misha🌙

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The next morning, I woke up to Michael's arms still wrapped around me. He was still sound asleep. Memories of last night came rushing back. I can still feel his kisses on my lips and skin. I can still feel how his stubble felt grazing my skin. My skin tingled with acute awareness of Michael's exploration last night.

Slowly and gently, I removed his arms from around my waist before slipping on a clean t-shirt in his closet. I slipped out of the bedroom and escaped back downstairs to my bedroom. I didn't want anyone to know that I was in his room all night again.

When I reached my bedroom, I quickly stripped off his t-shirt and took a shower, washing any essence he left behind. When I was done, I carefully hidden his t-shirt in my drawers before finding myself a cream color blouse and blue denim skinny jeans. I slipped on a pair of boots.

After dressing, I brushed my hair to rid of any tangles and left my hair to dry by itself. When I walked out of my bedroom, I ran straight into Lucia. She was just coming out of hers.

"Hey, I swung by your bedroom but you must be knocked out cold or something last night. You didn't hear me when I knocked." She said as she walked up to me.

Lucia had long curly brunette hair. Her skin was also sun-kissed from working out in the garden long periods of time. I can see little freckles on her cheeks and nose.

"Yeah. I was exhausted." I replied.

We fell silent for a moment. She was watching me under a calculated gaze. I hope she didn't ask about Michael because I was such a bad liar.

"You know today the Harvest Moon festival starts today, right?" She changed directions.

Oh yes, that's right. Every year in this pack, they do a three-day celebration during harvesting season. Donna told me about this when I first arrived. The full moon that shows up closest to the autumnal equinox is often called as the "Harvest Moon". The reason why it is often called the Harvest Moon is because the bright spirit of the full moon sheds light to farmers which allows them to work longer into the fall night; giving them access to harvest the hard-earned vegetables and fruits they worked in spring and summer for.

Today the farmers market was selling their best vegetables, breads, handmade clothes, scarves, gloves, and everything that you can think of. There was even a competition in the many delicious food made around this year.

"Sebastian and I were just about to head out. Did you want to come along?" She asked. "Or did Alpha Michael need you?"

She was watching my facial reaction. I shook my head.

"I don't think he needs me. I'll come along." I shrugged indifferently.

She nodded, "Let's go then."

The festival was held downtown-not that there was a downtown. The town was very small. One main street with everything you need on both sides. A few houses around town for those works and own shops and stores. It was a small town but large enough to have the streets filled with vendors and people.

When we arrived, the sun was up the horizon already. Children were out playing on the streets. The whole street was blocked from beginning of town to the end of the town. No cars were allowed. We had to park our car on the outside and walk into the festival.

Music weaved around in the air. The sound of laughter and smell of food coming from inside the festival was enough to lure anybody in. Sebastian, Lucia, and I quickly headed inside.

We passed a few vendors who were selling clothes and amulets. Sebastian stopped a vendor who was selling hats. He picked one up and placed it over his head. It was a pink frilly Sunday hat.

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