Chapter 20 - Michael

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The next several days Misha made every attempt to avoid me. She wouldn't see me. When I was in the room, I will catch the sight of her back before she disappeared. I knew she was still angry with me but I stand by what I did. I won't change a thing from the past.

She was safe and that was all that mattered to me. I didn't realize how much she had gotten under my skin until now. I missed her. I missed how she felt in my arms. I missed the fact that she wasn't scared of me and spoke her mind. I missed the way she looked at me.

These past few days have been hell to me. I can't sleep at night. I toss and turn throughout the night and when I do fall asleep, I dreamt of her.

The emotions I feel-the sudden tightness in my chest, I can't ignore. I did all this because of one reason and that was because I loved her. I cared for this woman. She made me forget about all my pain and its place she brought in a new kind of happiness that I haven't felt in the longest time. I didn't feel lonely or broken and even I did she somehow didn't mind it.

Josef moved to stand next to me in the foyer. My father had slowly recovered. He was awake now and now was caught up in everything that has happened. Everyone is well aware that Laurel's name was really Misha and Misha was a healer within the pack. The pack had taken her new role easier than I thought they would. No one held any hostility or fear. Everyone agreed she needed to be protected.

Josef placed a hand on my shoulder to get my attention, "I need to talk to you."

I nodded and I glanced again in the direction that Misha disappeared in before following him upstairs. Josef and I entered my office. I moved to sit in my chair and he sat in front of me.

"The spy we sent to Alpha Rayne was captured and tortured. Alpha Rayne-that female Alpha is a dangerous werewolf. She ordered our spy's body to be chopped up and brought to the edge of our territory. What she did was a clear message. She doesn't want to be messed with and she will get what she wants."

My jaw ticked, "She knows. She's involved. Why else will she do this?"

"Would you have done anything else if you caught a spy in your pack?" Josef asked.

"I would have imprisoned him and done something a little more reasonable. This is just pure merciless." I retorted.

Josef sighed, "The family has been notified. They will bury the remains of our member. Anything he found out about Alpha Rayne, died with him. We have no information to go from."

I shook my head, "I don't believe for a second she isn't involved. We won't send another one out there but I won't be sitting here waiting for her next attack. Send several warriors and trackers out there to track down the leader of the mercenaries."

"What are you hoping to do?" Josef asked.

"I want to find out who hired him."


I avoided him for days because every time I saw his face it only brought up the fact that I wasn't really who I am. I am still getting use to the idea that I am a werewolf and my name is Misha. Lucia was shocked when she heard who I was. Donna, my dear old friend, was even more surprised but she quickly recovered and graced me with some chocolate cake. She said it will heal the stress I must be feeling. I finished half of the 8-inch cake she baked. Sebastian on the other hand was not that surprise. In fact, he told me he told me so-that Michael was going to hurt me in the end.

Michael did hurt me but I didn't hate him. I was angry with him but I didn't hate him. I couldn't bring myself to. God, I missed him very much. Avoiding him is the hardest thing I had ever done. I felt his eyes on me when I walked out of the foyer this morning.

I sat in my bedroom, ironing Michael's clothes. I know I don't have to do it any longer since I am not his personal attendant or an omega but it helped in distracting me. Besides, I liked the smell of his clothes. It brought me comfort. Lucia was laying on my bed, scribbling on a piece of paper. I have been quiet for the last 30 minutes. I think she finally grew tired of it because she threw her notebook on the bed and turned to lay on her stomach. Her feet in the air.

"Something is troubling you." Lucia pointed out. "Is it the Alpha?"

I looked up at her at the mention of Michael. Lucia grinned and propped her chins on the palm of her hand.

"You know I think it was kind of sweet of him to try and protect you. I had known the Alpha for a long time. He isn't one who shows affection like that. I have seen the way he looks at you the past few days. He's like a cute broken puppy that is hoping for a glance from his owner." She cooed at the end with a giggle. "He's adorable."

I wouldn't call Michael adorable; intimidating, sexy, ravishing, hunk, hot was more like it. But that didn't stop me from hearing what Lucia said. Did he really looked like that when he looked at me? My heart couldn't help but react to that small little info. Did he miss me like how I have been missing him?

Lucia giggled, "That smile on your face. Girl you are so whipped."

The smile I didn't realize that was on my face slipped and I went back to ironing.

Lucia sighed and pushed herself up to a sitting position. She crossed her legs underneath her.

"I get it that he lied to you but he did it to protect you. No one will ever do that to a random stranger unless that person meant something to them. You told me that you and him met before you lost your memories. Have you asked what kind of relationship you two had?" Lucia asked.

I shook my head, "It wasn't something I was thinking about when I just found out I wasn't who I was. I'm angry at him for lying to me."

"But he did it out of good intention. He didn't do it to hurt you. There are different kinds of lies. There are the ones that are done to hurt you in the cruelest way possible but there are those that are done only to protect you." She was quiet for a minute before she spoke up again. "Okay, think of it this way-I know Sebastian likes you and you know that I like Sebastian. Instead of telling me the truth that Sebastian liked you to hurt me more you covered it. You never showed him any real interest but you protected my feelings by not telling me the truth even though I knew about it."

I sighed in defeat. She made sense. Michael didn't intentionally do it to hurt me or make fun of me. He told me he did it to protect me.

"So...are you going to give that poor Alpha of ours some mercy and talk to him? He looks like a wounded puppy. Don't you care? I sympathize the man." Lucia pushed further.

I threw the shirt I just recently ironed at her, "You're nosy."

"You know that I am telling you the truth." Lucia laughed as she removed the shirt from her face.

Lucia and I spent some more time in my room cleaning up mostly. When I was done, Lucia had left to go to her room. I carried Michael's ironed clothes in a basket up to his room.

As I neared his room, I hope he wasn't in there. I don't know what I would do if I see him. I have been avoiding him for the past few days. I couldn't make up my mind if I wanted to jump him or run away like a scared little kitten.

Adjusting the laundry basket to one side, I opened the door and peeked inside. He was nowhere in sight. I let out a sigh of relief and entered the room. Placing the basket on the white carpeted floor of his closet, I hummed a tune while hanging up his clothes.

I was so busy doing my work, I didn't hear Michael come in until he stood in the door way of the closet. He had nothing on but a small white towel around his waist that barely covered him. He had to hold the corners together to keep the towel from falling.

My throat was suddenly dried and I felt crazily parched. My heart raced in my chest as my gaze dropped from his hard, intense gaze to the water dripping down his hard body and kissing his well-defined six packs right now to his v-line.

Oh dear...breathe...

"Uh...sorry." I mumbled and moved to leave but his large frame took the whole doorway. The only way I was escaping if he moved and he had no intention of moving.


Next chapter will steamy !! ah! I'm so excited. :D

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