Chapter 81-Wedding

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I yelped when I felt myself being lifted. Before my brain could create crazy stories which involved kidnapping and violence a familiar chuckle made me turn to the laughing person who is the culprit. I narrowed my eyes directing a glare at him.

"Austin." I muttered, my voice, a dull monotone.

"What's my favorite girl doing?" I scowled at him.

"This is not funny."

"And here I am expecting a grand hug!"

"Not when you lift me  out of nowhere scaring the crap out of me."

"I wanted to surprise you."

"Could have chosen other ways."

"Barbie. What are you doing here?" Lillian asked amused.

"I told you not to call me that." Austin scowled, that nickname Lillian gave him always annoys him to no end. Though Ken and Lillian are frenemies, kind of, Austin, Ken's boyfriend and Lillian are friends, sort of.  Ken somehow seemed to pass his affection for me to Austin, along with his habit of lifting me up at random times.

"Why are you not with the groom's party? Are they still here?"

"No. Why would they still be here? I stayed behind because I wanted to meet you as early as possible."

I smiled at him despite myself. "Now put me down before you wrinkle my wedding dress."

"Yeah, yeah." He replied gently setting me down.

"We will start moving. Barbie can catch up with you later or else Gouenji will send out a search party if you are even a second late." That drew smiles from everyone knowing Gouenji would definitely do that.

The next few minutes until we reached the wedding venue was a blur to me. I was a mix of nerves and excitement. Thinking and overthinking everything. I didn't know when I was before the doors ready to walk inside.

"You look lovely sweetie." My dad said placing a kiss on my veil covered forehead. "I don't want to give you. Can't we postpone the marriage?" He asked looking like he was pouting making me chuckle at his childish behavior.

"Yeah dad. We will ask Gouenji. I am sure he will understand." I joked half-serious. This is not that bad idea truthfully. We can convince Gouenji.

"What will he understand? He won't do any such thing. If anything my son-in-law  will tie your hands and drag you to the altar." My mom joked though we all know that there is a certain truth in it. "Now stop being so sad and hand over your daughter to the man who will love her with his life."

With that said the bridal song started and slowly my friends started moving. As silence ensued my nerves returned and so is the urge to run away.  In all the movies I watched I never understood why the bride is so fidgety, crying and mainly marriage blues. It seemed ridiculous or over dramatic to me. I never understood it and wrote it off as the wrong stereotypes or the girl is being too emotional but it takes one to experience to understand I guess.

 As I stood there waiting for my turn to walk the fear of the unknown hit me so strong. I felt like there is a huge burden on my shoulder weighing down, my throat clogged up. I could hear nothing over my loud heart beat. Over all I felt like I wanted to puke then and there. The mere minutes stretched long making my desire to run away stronger but luckily my dad stood beside me like a pillar and I didn't have the strength to do anything besides let him pull me along with him.

I never knew when it was my turn to walk except that my dad started moving and because he had my hand in his I moved along with him like a ragged doll. I think may be this is the reason why bride is accompanied by someone for the bridal walk, to make sure she doesn't run away from nerves and let her know when to start moving. I felt all the eyes on me making my urge to puke increase. But then I felt a strong gaze on me making me slightly look forward and look toward it subconsciously knowing that is my groom. He looked hot and yummy in a Black suit custom made for him.

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