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Jungkook's POV

After 3 hours, I surface from the basement. I go to the kitchen to get myself something to drink. I went in the refrigerator and grabbed my banana milk.

I opened it up and drink it happily. I finish the whole thing in a single gulp. After that I decide to go check on Sunmae.

I walk down the hallway to get to Sunmae and I's room. I don't hear crying anymore. That's a good thing. But it could also be a bad thing. I knock on the door. There's no reply.

"Sunmae? Are you ok??" I hear sniffles. "L-Leave me alone... Please....." I hear her muffled voice say. I obey her wishes and go else where. I see Jimin walking towards me and Sunmae's room.

"Jimin-Shii, Sunmae doesn't want to be bothered. I just tried to go in and she wouldn't let me in." I say. Jimin nods and sighs. " I feel so bad for her... I know she's going through a tough time... It's a good thing we have a short break..." I nod. I look at Jimin and see that he's about to cry.

"Jimin...?? Are you ok???" Jimin looks at me. "Yeah.... It's just that in the short time I've known her, I feel like her older brother.... I want to make her feel better....." Jimin sighs out. I nod my head in understanding. "I understand hyung. There's just one more major issue..." I say.

Jimin looks at me worried. "What is it Jungkookie???"

I stay quiet for a little. "............ Where am I going to sleep?"


Sunmae's POV

I'm in the room, sitting alone. No one came to bother me and I never came out to bother anyone else.

I haven't been out to get anything. Not even food. I sit down on the ground next to the bed, simply looking at nothing and feeling empty inside. I feel a huge hole where my heart used to be. My phone rings and I see that it's Minsook.


M: Sunmae.......? Did you see it???
S: I-I feel so empty........
M: I know you do. You wanna come over to talk??
S: In little bit... I don't wanna be seen at all.....
M: Alright. How was everything before the 'thing' happened??
S: I didn't feel empty. I had a heart and not a huge agonizing hole where my heart was.
M:*sighs* I know Darling. I know. What he did was totally wrong. Did you talk to him at all after I called and told you??
S: No.
M: You need to so you can give him a piece of your mind.
S: Minsook, I know your trying to help me, but if I do that, the hole is just going to get bigger. I need to get myself together before I do that.
M: Alright. Whatever makes you happy.
S: Which is nothing right now.
M: *sighs* Are you coming?
S: Yeah. Just let me take a shower and I'll be on my way.
M: Ok. And Sunmae?
S: Yeah?
M: Don't do anything stupid.
S:.......... I'm not making any promises.

Sunmae hangs up.

I grab some clothes to change into and take a shower. After I put on my clothes, I put on my black shades and black face mask. I walk to the door and open it up enough for me to look down both hallways. I look left. No one. I turn right. No one.

I sigh from relief and dash down the stairs and out of the front door. I start walking down the dark street. The street lamps cut on after a few minutes. I stop at the bus station and wait for the bus.

"SUNME!!! SUNMAE WHERE ARE YOU?!" I know that voice to well. Its Hoseok's. When the bus comes, I quickly jump on and sit in the middle. The bus isn't crowded at all. Especially if it's this late at night. I see Hoseok walking to the doors and getting on. I pretend to be asleep and watch him carefully. He stops to look at me for a minute or two them he gets off and I hear him talking to the rest of them.

"Did you find her?" Jin asked. Hoseok shakes his head. Jimin runs a hand through his hair nervously. "Guys, I'm really worried.... She could be in trouble." Jimin says in a shaky tone. Jungkook nods. "We need to find her. Even if it takes all night." Jungkook says in a raspy voice. He saids like he's been screaming and running a lot.

I hear everyone else agree and start parting ways to find me. As they're doing that, the bus starts driving away. I watch as they slowly disappear into tiny little specks. I breathe out finally. I look at my phone to see that I have a ton of missed calls from all of the members.

I shut off my phone and stand up to get off of the bus. I hop off the bus and walk the rest of the way to Minsooks house. Once I reach her house, I knock on the door. After a few minutes she answers the door.

"Hey, come in." I nod and walk through the door. This is going to be a long night.


I get up around 5 in the morning. Minsook and I have been talking all night. I cried a little, I smiled and laughed. Then we both fell asleep. I grab my shoes and slip them on silently. I grab a piece of paper and leave a note for Minsook so she wouldn't worry. I probably should hav done tat before I left the dorms without the boys knowing. Oh well. I place the note on the table and walk out closing the door behind me.

I walk back to the bus station and get on the bus. The bus ride is quick so I'm back off of it after a few minutes. I walk all the way back to the dorms. That's when I noticed something. I forgot the keys in the room. I mentally face palm. I sigh, grab my phone and call Jimin.


N: Outside. I forgot my keys in the room.

Jimin hangs up.

I sigh and wait for the commotion to start. Not even a full 30 seconds later there are thundering footsteps coming down the stairs. I start to mentally and physically prepare myself.

The door opens and seven pairs of eyes are on me.

Yay! I'm not dead! Soo sorry for not updating. But please leave a vote and a comment and I will see you next chapter!!!


Word count: 1,139

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