Chapter Four: Switched

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You groan and open your eyes. Where am I? Your eyes are met with unfamiliar surroundings. You look around and notice that you're snuggling a Sam plushie. The rest of the room is painted green with a bunch of plushies and small figurines sitting on a black shelf. (I don't know what his house looks like so I'm going to make something up.)

You get up and stretch. Maybe I'm still dreaming. You try to make the best of this oddly lucid dream and back your way out of the bedroom. You're greeted with a long hallway, you check the last door on the left and see that it is indeed a bathroom. You step inside and look into the mirror.

"Oh my jesus!" Your Irish male voice rings through the bathroom in a high pitched tone. Holy shite.. I'm in Jack's body. You feel the scruff on his face and stare into his beautiful cystal blue eyes. Your lips curl into a grin. "Check me out! Kickin' it in the Irish man, YEAH!" You exclaim. (Props to you if you know what show this refers to.) You start to dance around the bathroom in excitement.

~Jack's POV~

I sit up and rub my eyes. "Time to record." Wait. What? I get up and rush into the hallway, opening the first door I see. The bathroom. Perfect. I step inside and rush to the mirror. The first thing I see is my female face. I look down and see a set of boobs. I grab them, moving them around in complete shock. "What the fuck?" I'm not me. This isn't me. "Who the fuck am I?" I start to panic and slide down onto the floor. This isn't happening. This can't be happening.

Wait. My phone, maybe I can call someone. Better yet.. I could call myself.

~Your POV~

"Wait.. if I'm in his body.. then.." you look down toward his crotch area, a big smile spread across your face. You take his huge hand and slide it into his pants. "Holy fook! I've got the Irish junk!" You giggle at your almost-rhyme. It's huge. You remove your hand from your pants and step out of the hallway, opening every door until you get to his recording room.

You step inside and see a black shelf against the wall, taller than the one in his room. It's filled with figurines and plushies. In the middle of the shelf there's his name in big green letters. You see his recording set up and snoop around it a bit. "Awesome!" Inside you were fangirling. "Okay. Time to wake up." You smile a bit then pinch yourself. Your smile falters. I can feel the pain. No.. NO! You wanted to meet Jack, not BE him.

You start to pace around the room in a blind panic. "No.. no! No no.. no.." He still has to record today! Maybe he has something pre-recorded. You check and see that he does. Okay okay.. You click the upload button and wait. It'll take a while to upload. Maybe two to three hours.

Your- his, stomach starts to rumble. "Great. Now he's hungry." You decide to walk to his kitchen and make yourself some cookies, seeing as he had all the ingredients to make them- and you were an excellent cook.

~15 to 20 minutes later~

You hear the beep of the oven and take out the cookies, putting them on a plate.

~8 minutes later~

You start to nibble on the cookies a bit, thinking about why God would put you in this man's body..

~Jack's POV~

"Come on.. pick up!" I start to become frantic, calling for the fifteenth time today. "No! This can't be happening!" I crumble to the floor and let out a loud scream.

A few seconds later I hear five loud slams on my door and a woman's voice from outside. "SHUT THE FUCK UP, (Y/N)! PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!" The neighbor stomps back to their apartment. "So that's her name. (Y/N).."

~Your POV~

"If this isn't a dream then maybe I could look at Jack's phone and get his phone number.." You think for a moment. No.. that would be creepy. I'll talk to him the right way. "But.. maybe I could snoop a bit.." You get up from your half eaten plate of cookies and walk back upstairs and into his room.

You see his phone on the nightstand and grab it. "Fifteen missed calls?!" You stare at the phone in shock. "From who.." You open up his phone and see that this phone number looks particularly familiar. It's yours. "Wait.." You stop for a moment to process this. "If I'm him.. then.." your eyes bug out. "Oh my, mother of fook." It's him. He's you and you're freaking out.

You start to feel dizzy, so you sit on the edge of your bed. You blink a few times but it doesn't stop the world from spinning. You black out.

~Jack's POV~

"W-what's happening?!" I stumble over to what I assume to be (Y/N)'s bed and sit down. "My head.." My eyes start to close and I'm met with darkness.

~Five minutes later~

You wake up on your bed and hurriedly bolt up-right. You grab your phone and immediately call Beth. "BETH. Can you reschedule that trip to as early as possible?!" You half yell into the phone frantically.

"Sure. But what is this about?" She asks, obviously oblivious to the fact that you and Jack switched bodies.

"No time to explain!"

"I'm pretty sure I saw one for 8:15 PM tonight.." She hesitantly added.

"Perfect! Call you when I land!" You hang up before she could say anything else, and stand, grabbing your bags for a trip to Athlone Ireland.. to try and find a man named Sean William McLoughlin.

Switched (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now