Chapter Sixteen: Ice Cream

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You had been banned from the Hospital for trying to assault the doctor.. and disrupting the quiet that a few sleeping patients needed. You won't be able to see Jack for two days now. How were you going to survive? Ice cream. A lot of ice cream. Mark had just come back from the store, although you didn't want him driving because of what happened to Jack. He insisted anyway and you were relieved when he came back with four tubs of ice cream. You decided to lighten the mood so right when he came through the door you immediately said, "Are you okay?" Mark nods his head cheerfully and drops the bags, outstretching his arms for a hug when you bound up to him- or.. the ice cream? You take one of the tubs out of the bag and rock it in your arms, caressing it's lid.

"Haha." Mark responds dryly. Mark scoops you up in his arms and you drop the ice cream with an 'eep'. He knew that even though you were cradling the ice cream you were worried about him. You wrap your arms around his neck and hug him. 

After a while he puts you back down and walks into the kitchen only to walk back out with a spoon. You excitedly take the spoon and sit down on the couch, opening the ice cream tub and shoveling the chilling goodness into your open mouth. Mark watches you scoop the ice cream out of the container and devour it with ease. Mark mumbles the words, 'Poor ice cream' and you giggle. You put on a movie, one of Jack's favorite's Wall-E. The movie starts and you soon find yourself nodding off on Mark's shoulder.

~Two Hours Later, 10:00 PM~

You wake up to your body on fire. You try to move your arm and it sends a shooting pain up to your neck and down your body. Your eyes shoot open at the sudden jolt of pain and you realize that your left arm is in a cast, preventing you from moving it. The same for your legs and neck. You groan. Now you know how Jack feels. Your eyes water at the thought that this is what Jack feels all day long. He's always in pain.

~Jack's POV~

I wake up to the movement of something under me. My eyes slowly adjust to the light and then I realize something. This isn't the Hospital room.. I jump to my feet and take a look at my surroundings. I'm in my apartment. I turn to look behind me and I see a sleeping Mark. (Y/N) must have fallen asleep on him while watching a movie. I stretch my hand out to wake him up and his eyes slowly open to meet my- (Y/N)'s face. He smiles. "Mark. We switched bodies again." H quickly got up from the couch with a worried expression. "(Y/N)'s got to be experiencing my pain.." I stood there in shock as Mark registered what's happening. This is going to be a long and painful few hours for her..

~(Y/N)'s POV~

Pain. Pain everywhere. Even a slight movement sends your body into jolts of red hot torture. "Ughhh.." You groan. Is Jack even awake yet?  "Fook this hurts!" Hot tears threaten to spill from your eyes. I cant take this agonizing pain much longer.. Soon enough you start to pass out from exhaustion and well.. pain. 

~Next Day, 10:00 AM~

You wake up to someone lightly shaking your right arm, which is aching. Also.. you're not much of a morning person. It takes great effort to wake you up but as soon as you do, you see yourself and Mark sitting beside you. I'm still in his body? "Jack.. what's going on? Why.. am I.. still in your.." You take a deep breath to continue but Jack finishes for you so you don't have to strain. "Body?" You nod your head, it's a small motion but Jack seems to notice it. "I don't know.. It's been twelve hours so.." You know where Jack is heading with this sentence so you nod your head again. From your point of view it looks like you're saying yes but from theirs it looks like your looking down and then forward. 

Then a question pops into your head. "Jack.. how.. did you get.. in.. here?" He sighs and rubs his forehead. "It's a long story.. of begging and.. more begging." You laugh and then remember something. My ice cream.. You glare at him. "You didn't touch my ice cream did you?" His eyes widen and he puts his hands up at his sides in defense. "No." You sigh in relief. "But I did finish the container on the coffee table." You both laugh at this. Mark has been silent this entire time so you decided to press him for information. "Mark.. why are you so quiet?" He seems to wake up from a daze when you ask him this. "O-Oh.. I was just thinking about how you two seem so perfect for each other. Even in the worst situations.. you always work it out.." His eyes seem to lose it's sparkle at the last part. "You.. miss Amy.. don't you?" You ask. He gives you a weak smile and says, "Well yeah, but I have you guys." 

"Jack. Grab your phone and call Amy. He's too chicken shit to do it." Jack smiles at your joke but gets up and grabs his phone from the end table, unlocking it and dialing Amy's number. Mark seems to have been holding his breath because as soon as she says 'hello' he exhales deeply. "A-Amy?" You could hear a sigh from the other end of the phone but she doesn't hang up. "I've been waiting for you to call, dummy." He grins from ear to ear and takes the phone out of Jack's- my hand and rushes out of the Hospital room. You use your huge hand to give Jack a high-five. You both start to laugh at how fast Mark left the room.

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