A Reason to Live

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Hate that I love you- Rihanna ft Ne-yo

She put the coffee in front of Will, when he pushed it aside, it spill on Sam's hand a little, she hissed from hot contact, Will felt bad it pained him to see her hurt but his anger speak better for him

"Don't pretend that you feel, cause you don't, you're heartless"

He was walking to their room when glanced back she was holding her wrist & wincing at its contact, her eyes looked hopeless like lost their charm

She was feeling sad, worse -alone, her loving Will was lost and she couldn't do anything. She wanted to run in his arms and say how much she love him and he will say how much he loves her back, shower her with kisses and accept her decision-just for her. Oh, come on, Sam come out of your imaginary world cause this is reality-she scolded herself

Will kept ignoring her, avoiding her, taunting time to time to make her feel bad. He thought- how could she do that to their baby? Is she that cruel? He feel like she is not the person anymore who was loving and caring, who thought about his happiness first, who can sacrifice everything for him?

She emerged from the bathroom wearing peach colour dress for office, she was looking ravishing, he wanted to kiss her bad, he never fantasized any girl like this before. She dances on his mind all the time, even though he is angry with her but he wanted to forget everything just for her, only her.

He want to give up everything for her but can't she just for once, for his happiness accept it that it's their baby- he will complete them, bring more happiness and bond them forever.

"So when is the appointment?"


"Your abortion appointment"

"I haven't thought about it"

"What to think, you do it or not, don't tell me you want my sympathy"

"You know I don't want that, I am just confused"

"Please, you just want my attention, you think that I will come with you and support you for this but I won't, you have do it yourself and believe me the day you do it you'll lose the place remain in my heart"

"Is it so bad that I want attention from my own husband?"

"If you really care"

He said sarcastically grabbing his suitcase walking out of the room, she fell to ground, crying, sobbing and screaming. Little did she know, he was standing outside the door hearing every single tear that shed, he wanted to go inside and stop her tears, it break him into shreds after seeing her cry but she has to realise that her decision was wrong

He slides down the door, sitting, his back against the door, he wanted to rip his heart out and tell her how much he loves her. It tormented him but he had to make her realise that this baby is not mistake or product of wrong-doing; it's their love, their family- a reason to live

News was gone up to their families, Sam's parents were yelling at her, everyone was making her villain, only person supported her was her mother-in-law, she would call her, ask about her, help Sam in her break-down and give hope whenever she would cry. She promised Sam she'll visit her someday. when she arrived at their place, Will was out and Sam looked pale her mother-in-law knew she wasn't eating well, her eyes has bags. Giselle asked about her decision

"So, what you going to do? are you really going to abort it?"

"No, I am keeping our baby" she smiled

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