Chapter 30. Arrival of the Ultimate Queen

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Claire's POV

"Evan! Snap out of it!" I shook him vigorously but to no avail. Evan didn't seem to budge.

Daniel and Ariel had also come to check out what the commotion held was about. I started moving to and fro holding my head.

I don't understand what to do and if I don't do something fast, then Evan would be out of control.

The royals are gifted with certain affinities which are to be kept secret until there's an emergency.

Evan has the power of dark energy. But the problem is, his dark energy is so powerful that it can drive him crazy if not in control for a long time. And that long time is probably one or two days. One or Two days, is all it takes for him to become insane.

I dont know what made him lose control all of a sudden when he was so happy yesterday after knowing about Elina being his mate.


Now that realise, I haven't seen her since yesterday. She isn't present here as well. I am sure Evan loosing control is somehow related to Elina and the mate bond. But first, I need to make Evan controllable. I stop as an idea pops in my head.

I rushed to my room as Stephen and Olivia trailed behind in tow while Daniel and Ariel stayed with a fessed up Evan.

The moment I entered my bedchambers, I started throwing books from the book shelf--at the corner of the room--searching for the switch. It has to be somewhere in there...

"Clara, what are yo-" before Stephen could finish, I pressed the hidden button--which I finally found--at the interior of the bookshelf as the entire shelf slid to the side revealing a sparsely lit room.

In the middle of the room was a huge wooden cabinet containing small glass bottles filled with potions and various types of Grimores (spell books).

"Wow! You have a secret room!" Stephen said astonished as I strode inside the room while the two followed me.

I picked two bottles from the shelf and started mixing the contents in a container chanting a spell.

"Woah, you have all these witchy stuff hidden over here. Now I understand why I could never find them." Stephen said, "All this while there is a secret room and you didn't tell me...."

He rambled on and on and I was totally getting pissed of 'cause I wasn't able to focus on the spell and Evan was on the verge of going insane.

"Shut up, Stephen! I am trying to focus! Olivia, can you take him out of here?" She nodded, dragging a resisting Stephen out of the room. Olivia looked sad or maybe I was just assuming it.

Looking down at the container--in which I have just mixed the two potions--I saw the color of the liquid had changed into a texture of purple. Perfect. I poured the potion in an empty glass bottle.

Shutting back the secret room, I exited out of my chambers.

As I reached to Evan's study where the others were--including a power consumed Evan--I quickly went up to him. Forcing his mouth open, I poured the purple liquid into his mouth. Good that he didn't resist. Perks of his starting period of loosing control.

The black winds around him decreased before eventually disapearing. Evan's eyes started turning back to its red-brown colour and the veins on his face disapeared as well. He looked in control.

Though, I am pretty sure it won't last for long. The spell in the potion just immobilised his powers for about an hour.

"Hey, man. What happened to you?" Daniel placed his hand on Evan's shoulder while Evan just stared at him blankly.

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