Chapter 21

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Jimin P.O.V.

We sat down in the living room, facing Ae-ri and Chang-nim. They both looked nervous and sad, which also made me nervous, especially when I saw my daughters reaction. I'm really curios now.

" want to know why Jungkooks and Yoongis family is so close right?" We nod."Well.....the story isn't so happy......"

"Is that why Hui-Seon didn't want to tell us?"

The two girls keep exchanging knowing looks."Kind reminds her of....I guess we should start with that."Ae-ri takes a deep breath."When Hui-Seon was only 3, her mother, your wife" she looks at me" died in a car crush."

Silence. Dead silence. I felt my body drop a few tempratures. I was absolutely speechless. How am I supposed to react? My wife....dies.

"That's horrible...."Taehyung says, badly effected by the news.

"You get over it pretty well, as you had three small daughters to take care of, and replace the role of their mother. The girls took it well aswell, but the situation with Yoongi and Jungkook.....brings out the bad memories in them."

"It honestly brings out the worst in all of us."Chang-min adds.

Yoongi's P.O.V.

"Yeah, it does. A couple of years ago, I our time."

"When Hwan was 9." her girlfriend helps her out.

"Thank you, so when he was 9, Yoongi found out how his wife has been cheating on him for the past 4 years." A loud gasp was heard from Hoseok."Naturally, Yoongi wanted to get a divorce. But his wife didn't, because of the money, of course. But that's something you only found out later. Because you're a normal human being, you handled the situation well. You talked to her like adult to adult, but she begged to you to not divorce her. It went on for a days. She begged you so much, that you started to consider it, as she was smart enough to hit in the right place."

"Your sons."Chang-nim.

"Exactly. She knew you love them more than anything, and if you'd divorce her, they would have to go with their mother. And that's what she kept telling you. How you should stay together for them, how it would be better for them, blah blah blah. A couple of weeks passed, as she managed to make you unsure about the divorce. But day, Jungkook came over to your house and told you......"she inhales"how she has been abusing and bullying Hwan and Ryung. Both verbally....."

".....and physically." A tear roll down Chang-nim's face.

"Jungkook found out, because he managed to get it out of Hwan, when he was over at their house playing with V. She beat up Hwan multiple times, and told him that he's worthless, and the only thing he does is run after V, and that's why he's just a useless whore." Everyone is so shocked, I forgot to breathe." There's worse.......Ryung.....he got it even worse if that's possible."

"Jesus Christ what did she do with him?" Namjoon asks worriedly, which, for some reason spreads a warm feeling in my heart. Maybe because he seems to be worried about my son.

"Well Ryung Because of that, she called him a faggot, abnormal, sick, disgusting....."

"Disgusting fucking twink.....that's what she yelled at him once." tears were rolling down Chang-nim face now uncontrollably" I can still see it, how he was crying for her stop and....I-I don't want to talk about the details..."

"And that's when......Yoongi lost it. It was..."Ae-ri was holding back tears at this point.

"Scary" Chang-nim says, more like whispers.

"He immediately threw her out of the house with everything she had. She got mad aswell, so they started fighting. She started blaming Hwan and almost hit him again. But Yoongi was quicker, he didn't let it happen. Not only dud he stopped his wife from hitting Hwan......he slapped her across the face.... That's when Jungkook realised how serious the situation really is. How insanely mad Yoongi realky was. He took Hwan and Ryung to his house, and called the police, and the others to help. By the time the police and everyone arrived"

"Half of the house was ruined, pieces of glass and furniture everywhere. Holes in the walls, every room was almost completely destroyed."

"How?" Jimin.

"Yoongi did it. He had to get his anger out on something, he knew he couldn't hit his wife, for the sake of his kids. But he hated that woman. He hated her so much, not even a day later he paid her millions to divorce him and leave and never even look their way. That was the last day we had ever heard from her. The kids and Yoongi stayed at the Jeon's house until they fixed theirs."

"So that's why they are so close in the future?" Taehyung asks, he also had tears in his eyes.

"Yes but.......there's another reason behind it.....Jungkook's part of the story."

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