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Hey ya'll!:)
Soooooo....this book has come to an end. I am absolutely devastated. I'm not even joking I could cry.
Maybe, because of the slow updates it might've looked like I don't care about this, but this book has been a very important thing in my life.
I worked hard on it, and I tried my best. If you look back, you can see(some people even pointed it out) that I have improved so much since I started it, which was over a year ago.
It was an amazing journey. I improved, worked on the story, the characters and the plot a lot to make it perfect, and I hope I did.
I want to say THANK YOU! to all of you, who read my chapters, my updates, and enjoyed the story! It means a lot to me! But especially the people who commented, because those people made the happiest on my worst days. Your comments cheered me up, and made me laugh. You have no idea how much it means to me!
I really truly love all of you, and I am so thankful for all the love! I remember when I got 100 reads, It was incredible. Then a 1000. Then 10000. And it made me so emotionally happy to see that even if they didn't keep on reading, they clicked on my story, and gave it try. Even that is important to me.
Which is exactly why, I will not end this story just yet.

Yes, you just saw "The End", but I got some surprises up my sleeve! I will write a book,(some kind of a sequel i guess) where you can see the world, where the kids came from. You'll get to see the story leading up to Vanechka deciding on making the time travel machine, and you'll see what happens after!
I hope you guys will join me on that journey aswell! I honestly can't express how happy and sad I am right now! But THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU! AND I VERY MUCH HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS STORY AND YOU'LL READ THE 2ND PART TO IT!

Lots of love,

P.S. I wanna hear all the opinions, about the book and the sequel and me amd everything!😂Hit me with tbe hard truth! And I will answer the Q&A questions. Any other questions just comment, I'll answer everything! Anddddd the hints(the end of the chapter sentemces in bold) are hints connected to the sequel, sooo you'll only find out what they mean if you read it!

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