Chapter Nineteen

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"Rack em." I said with a smug smile, spinning the pool stick in a quick circle. I was being cocky.

River sent me a wide grin. "Cute. But, I think we're done here." He reached for the stick, tilting his head to the side when I snatched it away at the last minute.

"Maybe you don't want to play, but I'm sure someone else in here will play with me."

He chucked. "Nope. Sin was very clear on the rules. I'm to keep you away from the riff raff. Plus, most of these guys don't take kindly to being hustled."

I laughed. I had hustled him. It was a little trick Kody had taught me. Sin had left me with River forty five minutes ago. He'd just strolled off to the back room with some lame excuse about wanting to talk with the manager.

I didn't mind. River was entertaining and funny. He was even kind of cute. Just not really my type. Then again, I didn't think I was his type either.

"I hope you don't hold grudges River."

"I do." He mumbled leading me to a bar stool. Clooneys was basically a bar. I was sure there was more to it, since the bar was tiny and the building from the outside had been humongous, but at the moment it was all I saw.

A seedy little bar with a handful of people crammed into it. I didn't know why Sin was so sure I would have fun here.

"So, what's going on between you and Sin ?"

I rolled my eyes. I was sick of this question. "Nothing's going on between Sin and I. Can't a guy and a girl just hang out without all this speculation?"

He shrugged. "Sure. But that's not what you guys are. I have eyes you know."

I rolled mine. "Whatever. And what's taking him so long anyways?"

He leaned back in his chair knocking on the bar counter. "Can I get a round. Being hustled is thirsty work."

I sighed, eyeing his glass when the bartender brought it over. She raised a brow waiting for me to order something.

"Umm... do you have lemonade?"

River chuckled as the bartender stared at me. "Do you want it mixed with something?" She said slowly.

I smiled. "No. Just the lemonade."

She narrowed her eyes before walking away. I had decided to blame my lapse of judgement concerning Sin on my alcohol intake. I was cutting myself off.

"You are fucking adorable." River said with another chuckle.

I smiled. "I'm taking a break. Don't be fooled River, I could out drink you any day."

So I embellished a bit.

"Here's your 'just' lemonade." The bartender said sliding me a tall glass of pink lemonade. I smiled sending her a quick thank you.

"So-" I said stirring my drink with the straw. "Back to the question you skillfully dodged. Where's Sin?"

River purses his lips. "Sin is speaking with the manager. He told you."

I nodded my head. "He did. He did say that, I just.. you know- Don't believe him."

He downed his drink, slamming the cup against the bar. "Trust issues. Not a good sign in a new relationship." He tossed a couple of bills down. "I'll get yours for you."

I scooted out of my chair. "Fine. How about I go see what's taking so long."

I started to make my way to the back of the room where I had seen Sin go until River grabbed my arm.

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