Chapter Twenty Eight

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When I entered the cafeteria for lunch, I stopped in my tracks.

Sin was sitting at my table.

The whole cafeteria was staring at him and I internally debated whether or not I was going to join him. Shrugging, I made my way to my seat.  I hadn't seen Sin all day which was normal considering government was the only class I had with him.

"You're in my spot Westbrook." I joked placing my bag on the bench before lowering myself next to him.

He smirked, looking up from his phone. "Brought you a burger, Legs." He said casually, sliding a brown paper bag across the table to me.

I stared at the bag, blinking once. "You brought me a burger?" I asked stupidly. I didn't know what to say.I grabbed the bag slowly opening it.

Inside was a burger wrapped in gold foil a carton of curly fries and a bottle of Dr. Pepper. For some reason, I was touched. "Well..." I said slowly emptying the bag.

"You're in my seat Westbrook."

Of course, any awkward moment could be saved by Hayden.

Sin spared her a glance before brushing her off. Hayden shrugged sitting next to me. I bit my lip to keep from smiling at the look she sent me.

"So, Rors, now that Ian is out of the picture, who are you going to homecoming with?"

I rolled my eyes. Hayden was anything but subtle. "I'm not going to homecoming Hades. You knew that."

I took a bite out of the burger, and barely held back a moan. It definitely put the school lunch to shame.

"I still think you should go. It shouldn't be that hard to find you a different date. I'm sure Sin has some friends who would love to take you."

I nearly choked on my burger. With my eyes wide, I sent Hayden a questioning look. What the hell was she doing?

Sin seemed to find the entire conversation amusing. "You're nosey. Hayden."

Hayden took that as a compliment as she smiled arrogantly and flipped her hair over her shoulder. "I'm trying to make sure Rory has an amazing year. If you're going to be an obstacle, I need to know."

He leaned forward in his seat. "I'm going to be more than an obstacle." He said confidently.

I didn't know what to do about that, or the heat that rushed through my veins because of it. "You guys, the whole cafeteria is watching." I mumbled.

Hayden waved me off. "I'm talking to your guy right now babe."

My cheeks burned. "He's not my guy-"

She interrupted me again. "So what exactly are your intentions with my girl here?"

Sin tapped on the lid of his bottled water. "None of you're business."

I kinda wanted to know the answer to that question.

"She's my business buddy, and I don't know how I feel about her running around with the town's bad boy. I know you're into some dangerous things Sin and-"

"I'm going to stop you there sweetheart, because you seem like you could go on forever." He leaned down and grabbed his backpack off of the floor. "I'm gonna go. I have something to do anyways.?"

He stood up from the table, pausing to grab his water before turning to me. "I'll see you in Gov Legs." Then he bent over and gently cupped my chin, lifting my face to meet his before softly placing his lips on mine.

I forgot we were in the middle of a crowded cafeteria with everyone's eyes on us.I leaned up to grab his face, pulling him closer to me. Before I could get too into the kiss, he pulled back running his thumb over my bottom lip. "I'll see you." He mumbled, before leaving .

And the whole cafeteria magically found something to do.


The minute Sin was out of the cafeteria, Hayden frowned. "What the hell was that 'Legs' ?" She asked with sarcasm dripping from her tone.

I simply stared after him with emotions running through me. What the hell was Sin doing? This was supposed to be a simple affair. There wasn't supposed to be any feelings or other people involved. Now he was changing the rules mid-game.

"Hade, this is bad." I said in a low voice.

"There's stuff you aren't telling me Rors. Come on."

I sighed, lowering my head into my hands. "Hayden, I'm going to fall in love with Sin."She went quiet.

"You have to stop this from happening." I continued, peeking at her from the corner of my eyes.

"Hayden, I can't handle this. He'll kill me. Please-"

She shushed me. "What do you mean you're going to fall in love?"

I groaned. "He's making it impossible. He's being sweet and nice and he brought me a damn burger today, and then pair that with his make out skills and-"

"I take that to mean that there has been more kissing sessions."

I pursed my lips. I knew she would be mad about that. "I wanted to tell you, but I knew you would tell me to stop and I didn't want to." I laughed. "God, now I wish I would have told you so that I wouldn't be in this predicament."

she stared at me. "I wouldn't have told you to stop Rory. I would have warned you that this was going to happen and I would have supported you. But you didn't tell me."

I could hear the hurt in her voice.

"Hayden, I'm sorry. It was just a danger thing that I was having fun with and no one knowing made it that much more fun. I swear, I wanted to tell you."

She thought about it. "How far did you go with him."

I hit her arm. "We just made out." I pursed my lips. "Not for lack of trying though."

She sent me a disapproving look. "Don't let this guy guilt you into losing your virginity. If you're not ready then-"

"I'm not the one who needs to be convinced Hades. Sin thinks that I sleep around and he still wants to wait. I'm definitely not telling him I'm a virgin."

She laughed now. "Why would he think that you sleep around?"

I shrugged. "I've done some pretty questionable things this year."

She nodded. "Well, if getting him in bed is your endgame then you should have came to me."

I thought about it. She was right. Hayden was the queen of getting dudes to sleep with her."I could really use the tips Hade." I said with a pleading expression.

She rolled her eyes, "I shouldn't help you, but I low key ship you guys. So, this is what you're going to do..."


I have half of the other chapter written already so... I don't know guys. I'm trying to update sooner. Just got wifi at my house. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this one.

Fun Fact: I have decided to write a spin off for each of the Vincent siblings and next up is going to be... Kody!! I already have a chapter written because this book is almost done. I might post a little snippet.

QOTD: This is a big one... HIMYM or Friends?

AOTD: I don't want you guys to hate me but my love for HIMYM cannot be contained. Friends is good too though.

*Update* New Girl might be killing both of them

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