Chapter Twenty One

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When my dad left for work, I rode around town in the passenger's seat of Kody's car. He had a couple of errands to run and he didn't want to leave me at the house alone. It was good to have him back.


"You know Kody, you would think that in college you would find some other girl to be insanely overprotective of."

He shrugged. "Pickings are slim Rors."

I doubted he was having trouble in the women department. "Right. Because your standards are super high."

He sent me an annoyed look. "Give me some credit baby sis."

I simply turned to the window ignoring him.  "Wait. Pull over." I said quickly. Sitting up in my seat and rolling the window down.

"Are you gonna throw up?" Kody asked in a panicked voice pulling over towards the sidewalk.

I stuck my head out the window. "Hey Blondie! You ditching?!" I shouted.

Grace sent me a panicked look. "Hey Rory. Where ya headed?"

I shrugged. "We're running errands. Come on, you can keep me company."

She hesitated. "I really should get back home. "

It was then that I noticed the bag in her hand. She was trying to hide it. "What's in the bag Blondie?"

Her face went red as she shoved the bag into her oversized purse. "None of your business. " she said quickly before shaking her head. "Sorry. It's private. I have to go."

I nodded my head slowly as my mind raced to what she could have been hiding.

"What's up with the prom queen?" Kody asked as she walked past the car on her way home.

"I don't know." I mumbled. "She's been acting weird lately. I don't think our high school is agreeing with her."

Kody narrowed his eyes. "Isn't she joined at the hip with Aiden?"

I shook my head. "They have different schedules."

He nodded. "Oh, sucks for them."

I sighed. I really liked Grace and I could really tell that something was wrong with her. "Your brother needs to get his shit together." I mumbled.


Here's what I had been thinking of the entire day:

Sin Westbrook's lips.

That was it. I couldn't get them out of my mind. It was a combination of Sins amazing make out skills and the danger and excitement of sneaking around. Of course, I wasn't dumb. I knew I would never ever ever date anyone like Sin. He was a criminal and he was rude and stubborn, but it was something endearing about him.

I had decided that I was going to hook up with him.

Let me explain myself.

This was my life and my last year as a high schooler. It was my last year to do dumb things and make mistakes. It was my last year to rebel.

I had no doubt that Sin was going to be a big part of my rebellion.

Long story short, I decided to sneak out.

I waited until one. I knew Kody would be sleep and I knew my dad was down for the count. The only person I had a problem with was Aiden

I tip toed out of my room keeping my breath low. I knew Aiden was awake. I didn't want to give him more ammunition against me.

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