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6| 1865, part 2

I saw my fathers truck and hurried towards it as students shot me dirty looks. My hands went to the pendant around my neck, holding it tightly.

At least I had a friend.

"So? How was it?" My father asked as I climbed in and slammed the door.

I shot him a dirty look. "That bad huh?" He asked.

"Unless I can afford an Aston Martin or like a fifty thousand dollar boob job, I'm not going to get any friends" I replied, as my father peeled out of the school parking lot.

"What about your classes?" Dad asked, his eyes on the road.

"English was alright, the rest of classes had pathetic teachers" I replied.

"Aw I'm sorry, darling" he said, frowning.

I turned to face him. "Please just let me drop out, I'll get a job but do not make me go back to that school" I pleaded.

He frowned. "We'll talk about it" he replied.

I sighed in relief. "How did today go for you?" I asked, glancing at him.

"Well we've got everything hooked up and I chatted with one of the guys who's willing to bring me onboard to work for him" Dad said, smiling.

"That's great!" I exclaimed.

"But he wants to meet me this afternoon, will you be alright for dinner on your own?" He asked, glancing at me.

I nodded. "Yeah of course" I replied as we turned into the house driveway.

I stared at the house, remembering when I thought it was spooky. I mean it still had that spooky look but this time I knew the ghost inside and he was charming.

"Well I'm going to head into town now, cook something light for dinner" Dad said, as I grabbed my laptop bag.

"Yeah I will, good luck dad, text me when you're heading home" I replied.

He nodded as I shut the door.

Trudging up the steps to the front door, I waved Dad off before opening the front door and walking inside. "Loki?" I called out, almost immediately.

No answer. "Loki! If you're thinking of scaring me, I will kill you" I replied before chuckling at my own dark humour.

I walked up the flight of stairs before emerging on the second floor. Opening the door to my bedroom, I half expected to see him sitting on the edge of my bed.

It was empty. Frowning, I placed my bag down near the window and happened to glanced outside. Loki sat among the wilted roses and I smiled.

Jogging downstairs, I practically flew out the back door as I followed the path. Loki was sitting on a stone bench, his head bowed. Nearing him, he didn't seem to stir.

Quietly, I sat next to him. "Loki?" I asked, no answer.

I peered at him and saw his eyes closed. Reaching out, I touched his hand.

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