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Hey guys!
I'm back with part 6 i think...
Well.. euhm.. Enjoy and don't forget to breathe! Bye! Love y'all! 💋


I love people who gossip behind my back. That's where they belong.
Behind my back.


Me and my mom stepped into her office. 'Do you want someting to drink or eat before you see him?' I shook my head as a no and sat down in front of her. 'Y/n-ah, are you sure you want to see him again?' My mom asked worried. I gave her a reassuring smile. 'Yeah... I want to be friends with him. He needs someone to talk to and i am the only person that could understand him.' She nodded and smiled back. 'Well... It's time, goodluck!' She stood up and hugged me. I knew the way to Jimin's room, so i didn't bother my mom with it. I left the office. I walked in the hallways to Jimin's room. Just as i was opening the door, i stopped. Last time didn't went well... What if he.... I shook my head and took deep breaths.
I opened the door and stepped in.
I looked around before closing the door. Jimin was just like before, sitting in the same corner with his head low. I approached him and crouched down in front of him. I took chocolate out of my pocket and tapped his shoulder. He slowly tilted his head. He had a blank expression on his face. I sat down and gave him a smile. 'Hi Jimin, i want to apologize because of last time. I am a really dumb person. Please forgive me, i didn't mean to hurt you.' I gave him my cute puppy eyes. 'I even brought you some chocolate!' He looked at the
chocolate-bar in my hand and his eyes lit up. I guess he likes chocolate.
A small smile found his way to his mouth. Bingo. He didn't say anything. He just nodded and slowly took the chocolate. He opened it and took small bites of it. Cute. 'Jimin-ah, let's play a game.' He looked up at me. He was curious. 'It's easy. You can ask me a question and i can ask you a question. To get to know each other more.' I smiled widely, hoping he wouldn't get angry. He slowly nodded. I clapped in my hands. 'You can start first. What do you want to know about me?' He looked away like he was thinking. 'How did you get those scars?' My world stopped.
That question. The second time that someone saw them.


Don't hide your pain. Cry it all out. If you hide your wounds, then they can't heal. Talk with the person you trust the most in this cruel world.


Hey guys!
Thanks for reading! Hope you like it. Enjoy the next one!♡

 Enjoy the next one!♡

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