Chapter 14

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*Liam ^^^*

As I got out of the limousine at school, I felt nervous for the first time in a while.

"Hey, we're in this together. If Chase hates you, which I doubt he will, then it would be most likely Ryan feels the same way." Said Gert, picking up on the gloomy clouds that were rolling in. As I approached the school the familiar scent of fresh pine and mint filled the air. My heart instantly stopped throbbing and skipped a beat.

"Dakota!" A familiar voice said. I turned to see chase running up to me. He embraced me in a hug and kissed my forehead.

"Oh god. I was so worried, I didn't know what happened, where you were, if you were even alive!" He said.

"'re not mad?" I asked.

"Mad!? Of course, not why would I be mad!?" He said brushing the hair out of my face. I couldn't help but hug him again.

"Because, I didn't tell you about..."

"About being a mermaid?" He finished.

"Yeah." I said looking down. Chase lifted my chin and kissed me.

"Are you okay? Where have you been? You saved the whole pack." He said.

"I'm fine. I woke up last night and came straight here. The packs not mad...?" I asked shyly.

"They look up to you more than me now. Your basically their hero. I tried finding you. I promise I did, I sent out search parties and tried calling everyone, even asked the nearest packs if they had seen you. After your brothers came they didn't tell me where they took you." I smiled. He really did care.

"Did...did anyone not make it?" I asked sadly.

"Two of them...they were in their mid-fifties though. Lived a happy life." He said giving me a sad smile.

"And Alex?" I asked.

"He's fine. Although he's been quite obsessed with a USB lately. Takes it everywhere he goes." I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Shit! I forgot about that." I said urgently, I ran away without another word and went straight to the computer lab, ignoring chase who was calling after me.

"I knew you'd be here!" I said cheerfully, running into the computer room.

"Dakota!" He said with a shocked voice before standing up and giving me a hug.

"I knew you'd come back, I didn't say much to Chase, I promise. But he used his alpha voice on me and made me tell him you were a mermaid." He said, scared to how I'd react.

"Don't worry that actually made the whole process a lot quicker." I said, being interfered by the bell.

"Crap, I have so much to explain! I found out more information on Paul, talk later?" He said. I nodded and headed to my locker and quickly grabbed my books.

Once I got to class the teacher started handing out assignments. It was a partnered task, so the teacher started putting people together. Me and chase looked at each other thinking we would be together.

"Dakota andddd Liam." He said smiling at the boy next to me. I didn't notice until now, he was new. He smirked at me and turned back to the front. I turned around to chase who was already staring at him like prey. I grinned and turned back to the front. The bell rang and the class was dismissed. As I walked down the hall Liam caught up to me.

"Hey, Dakota, right?" He asked putting his hand out.

"Uhhh, yeh." I said shaking his hand.

"Liam." He said smiling. If the mate bond wasn't so strong I would definitely classify him as hot.

"When do you wanna work on the assignment?" He asked.

"Dakota, we gotta go." Said chase. I turned to look at him and turned back to Liam.

"Oh, sorry. We can talk about this later, it was nice mee-"

"Now." Said Chase sternly as he cut me off. He grabbed my hand and fastened the pace. This wasn't jealousy. It was something else.

"What's wrong?" I asked curiously.

"Liam is what's wrong Dakota." He said as he let off a sigh.

"How come?" I asked.

"Jacob just mind linked me, Liam is the Alpha of the Silver Lake pack." He said seriously.

"What? That means he's trespassing. Its your territory!" I said, frustrated.

"OUR territory, yes. But there's nothing we can do if he's not causing harm." He replied.

"So, we just do nothing then. Simple." I said.

"I'm worried he has intentions with you." Said Chase, stopping to look at me.

"W-what kind of intentions?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, but Alphas don't just turn up out of nowhere with no permission." He said looking at the time.

"Bells about to go, see you at lunch?" He said.

"Uh, yeah! What if he's in my next class?" I asked concerningly.

"I've mind linked the pack. Someone will look after you." He said before walking around the corner. I sighed and went into my classroom.

*I can't stop picturing chase as Stefan from The Vampire Diaries! Hope you enjoyed this chapter :)*

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