Chapter 18

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It had been a week since the kidnapping event and we decided to go back into our normal routine. School. I got dressed into a white cropped top and high wasted long jeans. The top showed my tan belly. Chase came up from behind me and put an arm around my waist.
"Good morning." He said laying his head in the crook of my neck.
"Morning." I said.
"I'm transferring into all of your classes." Chase Said.
"You are?" I said happily. He nodded his head and we went downstairs for breakfast.

The bell rang for our first class, me and Alex still hadn't had the chance to meet up, so I decided to find him on the walk to class.
"Alex!" I said waving my arm in the air.
"Hey Dakota." He said coming over to me.
"So what was it you wanted to tell me about that USB?" I asked.
"That USB has everything. Literally everything." He said.
"And by everything you mean?" I asked.
"Lists of some kind of potions, everything about our pack, about you, about all the mermaids he has captured-" I cut him off,
"What?! Mermaids captured, he has mermaids captured!" I asked.
"Yes a lot of them-"
"Hey beautiful." Said Liam charmingly.
"L-Liam" I stuttered, I was so scared.
"Hey Liam back off okay!" Yelled Alex. Before we knew it there were five other pack members surrounding us.
"What are you doing here!?" Asked Alex.
"To see Dakota of course, we have quite the connection." A loud growl came from behind us and before we knew it, out came the alpha.
"WHAT THE F*** ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" He yelled throwing him down the hallway 20 meters. The bell rang for first period, no one left. The pack stood there watching the alpha interrogate Liam.
"I'm here to watch your little mates life turn to hell." He said with a smirk on his face. What did that mean, was something going to happen? I looked at Alex with concern, he looked back and placed his hand on my shoulder,
"Don't listen to him." He said comfortingly.
"Get out of our territory." Chase said pinning Liam against the lockers by his throat,
"No." He said.
"Boys! What on earth are you doing!" Yelled the principal pacing towards us. Chase dropped Liam onto the floor. Nothing human like could explain why this was happening.
"He was flirting with my girlfriend." Liam said.
"Pffft YOUR girlfriend? In your dreams." Chase said.
"Okay and who is your girlfriend?" Asked the principal.
"She is." Said Liam pointing to me. Before I could say anything I felt the familiar sickness in my stomach.
"Chase I-I'm gonna- thr-ow." I couldn't finish the sentence, within seconds he picked me up and raced me to the bathroom, for the second time this week. I began throwing up into the toilet bowl. Chase held my hair back, comforting me.
"What's happening to me?" I sobbed.
"I don't know baby, but I'm sure you'll be fine." He said hugging me. I looked out the bathroom window to see a lot of wind.
"Why is it windy?" I asked confusingly.
"I don't know, maybe because your sick?" He replied.
"Look!" I said pointing to the dark grey clouds rolling in.
"I'm not angry, why are they coming?!" I asked fearfully. Chase began to be concerned. As the clouds rolled in I began to feel anger bubbling up inside me.
"Why do I feel angry?!" I asked.
"Dakota... I think maybe the weather is controlling you." Chase said.

*sorry my chapters aren't as long as they used to be, I promise to write more once school starts. Next week -_-*

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