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•~winter 🌨/harry

Early winter, when the snow falls lightly onto the soon-no longer green grass, and the children throw snowballs, fighting over whoever gets to add the details to the snowmen, (usually 1st and 2nd years)

Many others were excited, Some were not, disliking the cold, like Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"This weather might freeze me to death" Ron complained, shivering almost.

Hermione shrugged, "Well maybe we'd be warm if you decided to actually stay inside, it's not our fault our fingers are about to fall off"

Meanwhile Harry was examining this book he had just gotten for D.A.T.D.A (Defense Against The Dark Arts) class. He wasn't paying attention to both of them bickering.

Just in time Malfoy decided to throw a snowball at Harry, and it landed on his book, the page is wet~ Harry then thought to himself and sighed, He looked over at Draco who was laughing with Crabbe and Goyle.

"Awee, is Potter sad he can't read?" He fake pitied him, "I'm pretty sure if i didn't know how to read I wouldn't be able to pass a majority of my classes..too bad a girl is actually beating you in every. single. class, Malfoy"

He looked baffled, "Awee, Malfoy? are you sad? are you gonna call your father on this one?" Harry asked fake pitying, Draco just stood there with a mean look on his face "I'll get you Potter! just watch!" Then he stormed off with both of his extremely large buddies.

Today seems like the most typical day, boring per usual and crammed with assignments, from class to class. Halfway through potions harry almost fell asleep, either day dreaming or repeatedly dragging your head upward to look at the professor. He felt as if he could sleep with his eyes open.


Finally after what seemed like forever, Harry was able to rest after a bit, just before dinner. He was so drained he didn't even have time to take his glasses off and immediately fell asleep, no nightmares, no nothing, just peace.

Not long after Ron came knocking, "Harry? are you awake?" The boy didn't respond, "Harry..?" he questioned again, The boy muffled something, then yawned and got up, opening the door, "Bloody hell you look awful!" Ron scrunched his face.

"I know..i'll be there" He closed the door and fixed himself up before going to the Great Hall on his way there he ran into Ginny Weasley who was blushing furiously as she noticed him, "Hi Harry.." she said sort of nervous, "Hey there" he responded trying to speed up his walk

When he got there he sat next to Ron, while Hermione was on the other side, it seemed as it already began, as the hall filled with laughter and talking. "What's got you looking all...zombified" Ron asked Harry, "Im still tired yanno" his response was quick while he ate a small portion of his food, "Hmph" Ron shrugged, stuffing his face with anything that was visible., and edible, of course.

"You know that 6th year Cedric Diggory? The one on Hufflepuff who you played against in quidditch on your 3rd year?" Hermione asked with a book in her hand, "Yeah, why?" Harry asked, still drowsy. "Oddly he's been talking about you all day, it's like a spell or something" Hermione whispered, Harry shrugged, still not caring, and wanting sleep more than anything right now.
When the feast was over Harry couldn't even rush himself back to his dorm with the rest of the 4th years. Just before going up the stairs something tapped his shoulder, he didn't turn around, they did it again, much harder this time, Harry turned around, "I...uhm..Hey.." It was Cedric, he looked like he had trouble speaking, "Hi there" Harry responded, "...Good q-quidditch game, last're an amazing player...actually...we both play seeker, i knew that already..uhm. bye" he dashed off, Harry seem knocked off his horse for a second but didn't mind, so instead he shrugged and walked to his dorm.

Finally, a bed, that he could rest in, but what sucked the absolute most was that he would have to get up again...

And unfortunately Snape was supposed to give a very long lecture, about..something, Harry couldn't remember..

When he laid down he fell into bliss, the cold air and the warm blanket fit perfectly right now, as Harry enjoyed his sleep.

The sun started to come through and give a nice wink of sunshine, the snow was slightly melting as Harry awoke, feeling very replenished and full of energy.

He decided to eat breakfast first, which again, Ron and Hermione showed up. They were talking to him while he was listening...partly, Cedric was there as well, just really far in the back, with a few other 6th years, and he was staring intensely at Harry, it gave him the chills.

I wonder what he was thinking...


That boy, The one that always hangs out with that red head and the other girl...Harry Potter, the one who's amazingly stunning at quidditch, he's absolutely adorable..and i wanna run my fingers through his hair, and be allowed to kiss his adorable face,. But that's not all, oh no. He's very brave, Instinctive, Witty, and the number one thing I absolutely love about him is that he's Loyal.

His soul is like none other and i wanna be apart of that, but not just friends....when i wanna be apart of that i mean Much closer than friends..

It just hurts...I need to be with Cho, because she needs me.....

but i need harry...

don't go..,                [Incomplete, Hedric] ☹Where stories live. Discover now