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A/N!!!! UHM...they get freaky deaky in this one, i DONT go into depth because smut isn't my "go-to" but it is hinted and put in plain sight. I feel like i should've waited until Harry grew older? but fuck it let's just pretend he's 18.


Harry..all i could think about was Harry it sounds ridiculous but it's true. I heard he was staying with stupid diggory this summer.

I already knew i wouldn't be even close to Harry....maybe i could get in touch with cedric...to get to see him...Yeah..

I wrote a letter

Dear... i crossed that out.

I thought

Hello... i also crossed that out

I crumpled up the paper and threw it in the trash, i couldn't think of anything.

By now it i was nighttime. And i wasn't able to fall asleep, exactly like other nights. I wandered through my mind, wondering how Harry was doing, and if Harry was alright. He probably was.

I held my pillow imagining if it was him. I fell asleep.

I awoke

I checked the time, staring at the clock, 8:45 AM, My father asked me if I was alright, he says I seem dazed.


it hurts...it hurts so much

the thought of it

and actually seeing them together

i wish he was mine...i just never said anything..i waited too long..and now he's caught up with a 7th year.

Obviously not everyone knows about their relationship...some say they're very open about it, but i beg to differ.
If anything they're afraid..and only few people know, only the people they talk to.

it doesn't matter now..as soon as next year starts nobody will care..

cedric's gone for this year, and harry's on his own..they'll probably break up

long distance relationships aren't fun

i never knew harry was...what's the word..gay?

it's over now...i lost..


Today was very long and dreadful. My head is pounding, trying to complete all of this homework at once. Cedric suggests I should take a break, but I refuse.

thus until I fell asleep.

He was always good at making sure I'm okay. Especially when i'm sleeping, or awake, making sure i'm not cold or if I need an extra pillow.

He spoils me, with too much attention.
it isn't fair

Although, I really am lucky. If i could lay on him while i sleep, forever i would. If i could hold his hand and give him short kisses all the time, i would. If i could just look at him, and talk with him forever i would.

but i can't.

and i want it..i need it.

I need him by my side...i'm afraid to loose him...all of those dreams about how Pettigrew was so close to killing my champion, my warrior, my fighter, my lover.

I would wake up sweating, and he would ask me what was wrong, I responded, "Just a nightmare". It was true..but it felt as if it was more than a nightmare.

I cared for him because he cared for me. And it's always been that way...i just wish i was always there to care for him.


Oh, how I love My Harry. He's the cutest thing in the entire universe, i'm very lucky. I wish this summer could never end, so i can hold him in my arms forever and protect him from all evil.

I worry sometimes..what if he goes back to hogwarts and his name is in doom? like usual..I wanna be there to protect my little wizard.

MY little wizard

I'm so scared...I was never taught to be scared..and i wanna do everything and anything if i do lose Harry..which i definitely shouldn't think of, but I can't help it. I can't afford to..

I'm losing my mind, losing my mind because i'm rushing things out of hysteria. Losing my mind because i can't imagine losing Harry but..but the things that's going on..I just might..

Why is everyone targeting him? He's just a little boy...all of these dementors and he-who-must-not-be-named is after him..and..and..Peter Pettigrew, his mind can't take all of these things..

And i pay respect to him because he keeps all of these things to himself..he manages to stay sane.

I wanna help him but he refuses for me to. He wants to keep me safe, as I do for him as well..but last time I tried keeping him safe i almost died..and he saved me...still.

He's got so much about him...so much that he should be rewarded for..so much that he deserves...

Now...this isn't a good idea...whatsoever, buuut my father isn't here...and it's just Harry and I...estimated he'll be gone for another 30-50 minutes....

Hell yeah.

Again! not a good idea..but I still did it anyway...it's not like i regret it..because that's all Harry deserved, he deserved to feel pleasure, and praised upon, he deserved to feel the love he's never gotten before. He deserved all of it, and every single bit of it...just i think we got a little carried away...turning into a round 2....then 2 1/2  don't ask...

don't go..,                [Incomplete, Hedric] ☹Where stories live. Discover now