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I feel like I lost a fight with a bougainvillea plant. Mina thought as he rolled onto his belly and moved his arms in front of his face to get a look at the damage. 

Cuts littered his skin. Thankfully, most of them weren't deep, but several would definitely need scrubbed and some bandaging. 

Groaning, he rolled back over on the sofa and stared up at the ceiling, not wanting to move. 

No one has gotten up yet. They must have called out for the day. 

He couldn't blame them. If it wasn't his own work that had caused the problem, he would have called out, too. He hadn't been able to sleep more than an hour at a time before being awoken by nightmares.Even though he had been somewhat cool and collected during the whole ordeal, besides his new shift, it definitely hit him hard once the adrenaline had worn off and the shock had set in. 

 I can't believe that Del did all of that... and killed that lion. 

It had seemed like they were good friends, or at least acquaintances. Yet, he had to have shot the shifter when he'd failed to kill him. It helped a lot that the man had gotten Palace confused for Del, too. 

To think that there are two of those giant winged wolf shifters. 

It was a scary thought. 

Sitting up, Mina ran a hand through his messy hair and looked over at the clock on the wall. 

Already ten. 

He couldn't waste anymore time lazing about. No matter how much he desperately wanted to just go back to sleep after tending to his cuts. 

"Need a new job... with less aggression." He told himself with a sarcastic smile as he finally got to his feet and headed for the shower. He made it quick, but also made sure to scrub himself from head to toe. 

When he stepped out, his cuts were stinging badly, but he knew that they'd needed washed. He found some light bandages in the medicine cabinet above the sink and took a few minutes to wrap up the couple of cuts that needed tended. 

"Okay, all set." 

Forcing a smile, he got himself dressed and out the door, intent on walking to town in the cool, foggy morning. He was careful to watch out for any motion that was out of the ordinary while passing the empty lots along the street. 

I don't like being paranoid. 

He grasped one of the bandages on his left arm and sighed. 

It's going to take a while to get past what had happened. 

Not to mention, he now had a new presence in his head that he needed to figure out. 

The little lion mix hadn't tried to come out again, but he could definitely feel it in his mind. It almost felt like it was bouncing around, pouncing and playing without much worry. 

I wish I could be so carefree. You almost got us killed, you know. He told it. Unsurprisingly, he got no response from the cat. 

"Whatever, just don't come out while I'm trying to get a job. I can't feed us if I don't have any money and I don't want to rely on my uncles for much longer." He said as he saw the first few buildings of town appear ahead of him. 

He passed the first few places because they weren't open yet. A bakery was his first target, but without any experience in the field, they just said that they'd call him. He knew that he wouldn't get a call. 

The clothing stores he'd stopped at were more promising, but they hadn't been happy with his lack of a resume. He couldn't exactly put his previous job, considering his boss had tried to kill him. It probably wouldn't have been healthy to use him as a reference. 

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