Taehyung ♡ Soft Hours

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Taehyung and I sat on the hotel room bed together listening to music. I was able to come on tour this time since Tae and I made our relationship public a few months ago.

I had packed my sketchbook with me and was laying on my stomach sketching Taehyung while he was scrolling through his phone.

"Oh, this song is really good. It's one of my favorites." He grinned as he tapped his screen.

A slow jazz song played through his Bluetooth speaker.

"Yeah I like this one." I said adding some shading to my drawing.
"What are you working on?" He asked leaning over.
"Tae!" I shout and cover my sketchbook.
"Is that me?" He asked.
"No." I say in an obviously lying tone.
"Let me see." He giggled and tried to pry my hands off the sketchbook.

He succeeds and takes it out from under me.
I can see his cheeks turn light pink as he looks at the drawing.

"I'm not even finished yet." I say snatching the sketchbook out of his hands.
He lets out a deep chuckle and goes back to scrolling through his music. There's a knock on the hotel room door causing both of us to snap our heads in the direction of the noise.

"Ah! Room service is here!" Taehyung beams as he jumps up from the bed.
He opens the door and thanks the staff before pulling a large cart in the room.

"That smells so good." I stare wide eyed at the cart of food, my attention no longer on my sketch.
"I'm gonna do a vlive while I eat. You wanna be in it?" He asked.
"Is that okay?"
"Yeah. If anyone says anything mean I'll put them in their place." He said pretending to sound stern.
"I guess I'll join in."
"Yay! Alright I'll set our food out." He grinned cutely and started setting out plates of food from the cart.
I started finishing up the sketch of Taehyung whole he got everything set up. I added any extra shade I needed and put my signature on the drawing.

"Alright all set. You ready?"
"Yeah. I finished the drawing too." I said sitting up on the bed.
"Let me see!"

I turned my sketchbook over so he could see the drawing. He carefully took the book from me and looked down at the drawing, a look of fondness taking over his features.

"You're so talented baby." He said taking in the details of the drawing.
"I'm alright I guess." I shrugged.
"No, you're amazing. Why did you choose to draw me though?" He asked.
"Because you're so handsome and I find you very intriguing to draw."
He chuckled lightly and I could see his cheeks turn pink.
"Okay." he handed my sketchbook back to me. "I should go ahead and start the vlive."
I nodded and closed the book, setting it aside.

Taehyung opened the vlive app and started the livestream.

He sat there waiting for people to join.

"Ah okay. Hello everyone. It's me Taehyung. I'm here in Hong Kong for our tour. Tonight's concert was good. Everyone was so happy and cheerful. I feel like we did a good job on our performance tonight." He smiled.

He leaned forward and looked at the screen before reading off a comment.

"Taehyung you have a lot of food in front of you." He sat back in his chair and smiled. "Ah yes. I have a lot of food because I have a special guest." He looked over at me and smiled. "This person is very close to me and I love them very much. Can anyone guess?"

He started reading comments.

"Jimin? No. He means a lot to me but it's not Jimin. Jungkook? Nope. Jin? It's not Jin hyung either. Y/n? Ohhh. I can't tell you." He chuckled. "I'll go ahead and bring them out."

I shyly stepped into the frame.

"Ta-da! You were right. It's my lovely girlfriend Y/n!"

I watched as the comments popped up quickly.

Omg! They're so cute.

Is she on tour with them?

It's Y/n!!

"Everyone, Y/n was able to join me on tour. When I asked Bang PD he was a little skeptical at first but he ended up agreeing. I'm very happy." He smiled.
Taehyung cleared his throat and clapped his hands together.
"Okay. So Y/n and I are going to eat together and read some comments." He grinned.
He handed my food to me. I thanked him and got my chopsticks out.

I looked up at the phone and read some comments.

Hi Y/n! I love you!

"Hi!" I waved. "I love you too!"

Taehyung and I started eating and reading more comments.

Y/n is there anything Taehyung does that gets on your nerves?

"Honestly no. I can't think of anything he does that makes me even a little annoyed."

What's your favorite thing about each other?

"I like everything about Taehyung." I giggled. "I know it's cheesy but I do. I especially like his tummy."
"Y/n." Taehyung giggled, a blush creeping up his cheeks.
"Aw I embarrassed him. Sorry baby."
"It's okay."
"Now you have to answer the question." I said.
"Oh. I love everything about Y/n too. She's really talented! Can I show them?" He asked me.

I knew he was referring to my sketch. I nodded.

He got up and took my sketchbook off the bed, flipping to the page with the sketch of him.

"Everyone look at this." He held the book up to the phone making sure everyone could see. "Y/n sketched this earlier, isn't it amazing?"

We both watched the comments roll in.

Wow! Y/n is an artist just like her boyfriend.

Artsy couple goals.

This is sooooo good!

Taehyung and I continued the vlive for thirty more minutes until he decided to go ahead and end it. After he ended the vlive we both got ready to settle down for the night. I wore one of Taehyung's silk pajama tops and some shorts. He wore the pajama pants and no shirt. He laid next to me, the dim light of the lamp making his skin look tanner than it is.

I sighed and admired how beautiful he is. The way his little garnet necklace rested on his collarbones and his messy hair hung in his face. I laid my head on his chest and started giving his tummy soft kisses.

He let out a light breathy chuckle and ran his fingers through my hair.

"You give the best tummy kisses." He said.

I looked up at him and grinned before moving up to pepper kisses on his cute, round cheeks. He giggled and wrapped his arms around me pulling me on top of him.

"You're the cutest." He whispered.
"I'm not."
"Baby." He whined. "Put your insecurities aside and accept my compliment."
"Okay." I said failing to hold back a grin.
"Thank you for joining me on vlive."
"You're welcome. It was lots of fun."

We laid there enjoying each other's presence when I spoke up.

"Who's gonna turn off the lamp?"
"I guess I can do it."
"No, I'll get it."

I rolled over and turned off the lamp. Taehyung immediately pulled me back on top of him and cuddled me close.

"Goodnight angel."
"Goodnight Tae."

QOTD: Favorite thing about Taehyung?

AOTD: I literally do love everything about him, from his fluffy hair to his cute uneven eyelids. His mole on his nose and his pretty lips, and especially his tummy!! úwù

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