BTS ♡ Hybrid AU [request]

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Infire_Those_Jams06 requested a hybrid group imagine. Sorry it took so long!
• Jimin- Dog hybrid | Tiny light brown ears and a short light brown tail
• Hoseok- Dog hybrid (not sure what kind, you guys can decide)
• Taehyung- Tiger hybrid
• Yoongi- Black cat hybrid
• Namjoon- Gray husky hybrid
• Jin- Cat hybrid | White ears and a fluffy tail 
• Jungkook- Bunny hybrid | Dark brown ears and a big fluffy tail with a touch of white on the end

I started to roll over in bed but was being weighed down by something. Someone's arm and leg were wrapped around me, holding me securely in place. I slowly opened my eyes only to be met with Taehyung's cute cheeks squished up against the pillow. I let out a small laugh causing his tiger ears to twitch a little.
I felt another presence behind me and slowly turned my head. Yoongi was fast asleep on the other side of me, his black tail laid across my stomach as he snoozed.
A soft knock on the door made me turn my attention away from the two sleeping cats. I couldn't say anything because I didn't want to wake Yoongi and Tae. The door slowly opened revealing a freshly awakened Jimin.

"Hi Chim." I whispered.
"Hi. Can we go have breakfast?" He asked as he sleepily rubbed his eyes.
"Of course. As long as I can get away from these two cuddly fuzz balls." I chuckled lightly.
"I'll help you." He said walking over to the bed.

He slowly removed Taehyung's arm and leg off me and helped me off the bed as quietly as he could. As soon as my feet hit the floor he pulled me into a hug nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck. I hugged him back and noticed his small dog tail wagging vigorously.

"I love hugging you Y/n." He said.
"I love hugging you too Jimin." I said running my fingers through his hair. My fingers neared his dog ears. He was quick to nuzzle his head into my hand. I smiled softly and scratched his ears a little before pulling my hand away.

"You ready for breakfast?" I asked.
He nodded and grinned cutely.

I put some bacon in a pan, then started fixing some eggs when I heard a couple pairs of footsteps coming down the hallway. I turned and saw Yoongi and Taehyung, both of them looking rather sleepy.

"You're making breakfast?" Taehyung asked.
"You left us kitten." Yoongi frowned.
"Yeah sorry about that. Jimin was ready for breakfast."
"Can you make pancakes in the shape of a heart like I like it?" Taehyung asked.
"Of course."

"Good morning Y/n."

I look over to see Jin walking into the kitchen.

"Morning Jinnie." I said mixing up pancake mix.
"Do you need help?"
"Yes that would be nice. I'm trying to do too much at once."
"You shouldn't stress yourself out like that." He said walking up and flipping the bacon over.
"Yeah I know." I chuckled.

A few minutes later Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook walked into the kitchen.
Hoseok immediately walked over to me hugging me.

"Morning Hobi." I giggled as I reached up to scratch his ears.
I looked back and saw his tail wag making me smile. I could feel him inhale deeply, letting out a sigh.
"You always smell so good Y/n." He said kissing my forehead.
"Yeah she does. I like Y/n smell." Taehyung smiled as he hopped up on the counter.

Once breakfast was finished we all sat down at the table together.

"I'm sitting next to Y/n." Jungkook said plopping in the seat next to me.
"I'm sitting on the other side." Namjoon did quickly sitting in the empty chair on the opposite side of me.
"I wanted to sit next to Y/n." Hoseok pouted from across the table.
"It's okay Hobi. You're sitting across from me."
"Yeah that's not so bad." He beamed.
"This is really good." Yoongi said as he ate a piece of bacon.
"Thanks Yoongles."
"Y/n always takes such good care of us." Namjoon said ruffling my hair.

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