Chapter 25

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After lunch, Willow asked North to bring Bèlle to play on the backyard together with her parents and Clyde whiles both of us taking care the dishes.

Ian seems gone just like that after we have our dessert saying that he has a phone to make and some work but I know that he wait to right time to corner me about the answer.

“So, what do you think after seeing Bèlle and my parents?” asked Willow when I give her the last plate for her to dry off.

“I feel like a bad person really. I already separated her from her grandparents and her other family.” I said to Willow.

“We always find a way to fix, right? I think Bèlle get warm up with Ian as well.” She said to me and looks out from the window and seeing Ian and Bèlle playing together while Clyde and North busy with their football games.

Sometime, Bèlle will be cheering up when North able to throw his ball far enough from Clyde.
Ian can’t keep his hand from his daughter and I feel like it is the right time for us to tell Bèlle about him.

“Do you think we should tell her now ?” I asked Willow.

But she shook her head.

“It’s too early and she will get confuse. We want her to be comfortable at first and you need some good reason for it. This Monday the result will come out, I think we could tell her on that day over a lunch or dinner or maybe the next day.” Willow told me.

“I just want her to be happy. She will be happy if she knows about her father.” I said again.

Our talk got interrupted when Ian with Bèlle on his arms, walking to the kitchen and both of them looking at me and Willow.

Willow can’t help but smile at her niece, “You look beautiful just like your mother.” She said and Bèlle looking at her shyly.

“Willow, can you give us a minute ?” Ian asked her and she nodded her head.

“Do you want me to take Bèlle with me ?” she asked us but Ian shook his head.

Well, I guess Ian want to tell Bèlle the truth now then.

I couldn't deny that this is all I can do after everything that I’ve done to him and to his family and to Bèlle itself.

I don’t know if Bèlle will be disappointed with me after this but I need to do the right thing and that means tell her the truth about her father and her other family. I don’t want to keep her in the dark before it’s getting more hard for me and for her.

We took a sit on the dining table and make sure that no one will be disturbing us. Bèlle sits on my lap with Ian beside me.

Sometimes Bèlle will look at me then Ian, “Why don’t we play something ?” she asked me with her confuse face.

I clear my throat and give her my best smile, “We will play something but first I think I need to tell you something, sweety.” I told her and I look at Ian. He looks so nervous but he nodded his head.

I took a really deep breath, “Bèlle, do you remember when you keep asking mommy about your father ?” I asked her.

I could see her face from confuse to excited but then back to confuse.

“Yes, mommy. Did you find a father for me ?” she asked me and now she look at Ian. I shook my head.

“No, I don’t find a father for you. Bèlle, listen to mommy, okay.”

She nodded her head, I know there are a lot of things going on her mind but she keeps her mouth shut and I’m glad with her.

“Mr. Woods here…”

“I call him, Ian, mommy.” Bèlle corrects me and I nod my head. Typical Bèlle and I see Ian can’t help but smile.

Yes, she is your daughter, Woods.

“Okay, Ian here actually…he is your…biological father.” I told her quietly.

For sometimes, she is not react only stare at me and Ian. I know she will disappoint with me and I’m such a bad mother for her. She will probably will be choosing Ian now instead of me.

“Bèlle ?” Ian calls her name to get her attentions.

Bèlle blink her eyes, “So, I have a father after all ?” she asked us.

Both me and Ian nodded our head.

“But where are you from Ian ? Can I call you daddy then ?” she asked Ian and me.

I exhaled my breath that I hold before I nod my head.

“Your dad is so busy for the last four years and he just coming from his long journey and now he stay for good and he wants to know you and spend the rest of his time with you. I’m sorry because I never told you that daddy here, working really hard for us and now he want to pay every single time that he lost with you.” I told her.

“Are you a pirate then ? So you need to go for a very long time to do some works ?” asked Bèlle.

Ian looks at me and he nods his head. “Yes, you could call me as a pirate. I working for a long time that I missed the day you are born but I’m so regret it. Daddy wants to spend all of his time with you now and daddy won’t go anywhere.” Ian told her.

I can’t help but cry when I see how they are interact.

“Ok then. I guess daddy could drive me to my school with you mom and picking me up from school then to my ballet class and my recital by the end of this month. Did grandma told you about my ballet recital ?” Bèlle asked me this time.

I’m surprised that she could accept all of this new information pretty easily and open minded.

I nodded my head.

“Yes, baby. I already clear my agenda.” I told her and she clap both of her hands.

“Great! Then I could tell to all my friends that my father is already back from his expedition and he will comes to my ballet recital! Now can I go to play with North ?” she asked me and Ian.

Both of us nod our head.

Bèlle now wiggled from my lap and running towards backyard before she turns her body facing us again.

“Yes, darling ?” asked Ian.

I can’t help but feel warm towards his affection towards Bèlle.

“Is that mean North is my cousins then ?” she asked Ian.

“Yes, dear. He is your cousins and there is also Uncle Clyde and Aunt Willow. We will introduce you to others later. Daddy needs to talk to your mommy..” said Ian.

Bèlle nods her head, "Ok. However I think North is handsome.” Bèlle said and she walking out from the kitchen.

For a couple of minutes we are good confuse with what Bèlle said.

“Uhm, what did she said ?” Ian asked me.

This time I can’t help but laugh.

“I think she likes her own cousins…” I told him.

“Oh my god.” Ian said this time and put his head on his hands while I can’t help but laughing so loud.

Well, I think Ian's first job as a father is how to put all the boys away from his princess, mostly North itself. I believe that Ian will put his eyes on North from this time forward.

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