Chapter 34

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Ian pov:

I’ve been reconnecting with Irène around two months now after my surgery and I’ve been spend most of my time with Bèlle to redeem our lost time before.

Two months being together with Irène it’s enough for me to reliving our self for the ten years that we’ve been together. Either me or Irène, we are not changing at all. We are still the same but we are more mature and understand each other more.

We made mistakes yes, but we still find our way to fix everything and when it comes to Bèlle, we have the same ground. I think we work together very well because we are meant to be together.

I open my drawer in my office and look at a baby blue box that contains the ring. I bought it after we are together for a month. I know it’s like a gambling but I can’t help it when I see that ring and I know that she is the right person who gonna wear it.

I took the box out and put it on my desk when suddenly my door open and look Clyde walk to me. I raised my eyebrow at him and he look at the box.

“Still keep that thing with you ?” he asked me.

“What do you want, Anderson ?” I asked him.

“Nothing, I just want to hang out with my brother in law. Sky seems busy currently with his own things.” He said while shrugging his shoulder.

“I think you could help me then…” I said to him.

“Gladly…do you need my help to put some sense into your thick skull ?” Clyde asked me with his smile.

“Lucky that I need your opinion or I already throw you out from here.” I said to him.

Irene Pov:

I finally could manage to finish all of my works and today I got sometimes to myself. Bèlle will stay with Ian tonight, saying that they have some girls night, Bèlle say not me.

I took a really long and relaxing bath and have a glass of wine after it. I enjoy my dinner alone because my parents is on their vacation. They need it by the way or my father will keep bugging me with all works things that he doesn’t need to be care of.

After done and I feel lonely, I decide to call Willow and Jean.

Yes, Jean currently spend her time in here because she wants to open her new boutique and I think here is the perfect opportunity for her. I haven’t heard anything from Peter so far but I hope everything is fine for him.

Willow and Jean agree that they will come to my place in twenty, so I prepare some snacks and wait for them on the kitchen with my wine.

I lost my track of time with the book that I have when my maid bring Willow and Jean towards me.

“Thank you, Harriet.” I told her and she nods her head and leave us.

I give Willow and Jean a long hug and told them to take a seat.

Willow took the wine and Jean choose to have some snack first.

“So, what do we need to help you ?” Willow asked me.

I shook my head, “Belle is staying with Ian and my parent go on their vacation. I feel lonely that’s why I called you guys.” I told them.

Jean shook her head, “ No, I know that there is something going on in your head. Your relationship with Ian seems okay so far.” She said to me.

“We are good. Why you think there something on my mind ?”

“We know you very well, Irène.” Willow said.

I took a deep breath, “Well, you guys know that it’s been two months after me and Ian getting back together.” I said slowly.

“Did you guys talk about it ?” Jean asked me.

I shook my head, “No, we haven’t really talk about it but I think that we are on the same page. I mean we don’t really need those words like ‘yes, we are dating’ or like that. We are not that young.” I told her.

Willow pointed her finger at me, “Then first you should talk about it. You can’t be sure that you guys already on the same page.”

“But, you know Ian. We do what couple do.” I told her.

For a moment we don’t say anything.

“Then you should take the lead.” Jean make her conclusion. And I know what her mean. I shook my head quickly and Willow raised her eyebrow at me.

“You’ve been so sure about it, it is fine to drop the bomb to Ian.” Willow say easily.

“You guys literally ask me to commit suicide.”

“We are not, we want you to be happy and you need to take care of it for your own sake. Ask him to marry you, if he really change then he will agree with you and BAMN! Wedding bell ringing.” Jean said to me.

I know that she got tipsy. Willow keep flowing her glass with wine and she keep drink it. We talk about a lot of thinks and it almost midnight when somehow my mind seems agree with what Willow and Jean said earlier.

Right, you should take the lead.

It’s now or never.

You just need to pop out the questions and if he really change just like what he said then he will agree to marry you…But if he is not…

“I’ve got nothing to lose.” I said suddenly.

Willow look at me and Jean seems agree with me. Willow give Jean a glass of water because she almost drunk very hard.

“You guys right. I just need to pop up the questions and then we could be on the same page. So far everything that we do it’s not enough. I need to take this chance. I will asked him to marry me and he must be agree with it. I don’t want to waste more time. If he already change then he will agree with me but if he doesn’t….I guess I need to drag him out and force him to marry me. I need him after all this craziness..”

Willow look so shock but she nods her head and smile widely.

“Oh trust me, you don’t have to drag him to Vegas to marry you.” She said to me.

“Yeah, he is head over heels for you.” Jean agreed with Willow.

Yes, of course I could do this.

I just need to man up and propose to him instead. It’s a gender equality time so, it doesn’t matter if I’m the one to propose instead of him.

But the questions is, how ?


Hello hello...

Chapter 34 is right up for you guys!

This is another favourite chapter of mine from this book. I mean, Irène is gonna be the one who pop up the question to Ian! Yeah such a gender equality movement I put in here 😋

By the way, I want to say thank you for every single one of you who still being here with my story! Thank you!

Then lastly, please don't forget to add Two Hearts and One Life into your library and DON'T FORGET TO VOTE,COMMENT, AND SHARE THIS STORY!

Until then,
Love ♡♡♡

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