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                                          N ICO

    I gave my heart to you this is how you repay me
         I put my trust in you this is how you replace it    
          Your love is poison so no more I can't take it     
                             (no more, I can't take it)
          Can't fuck with you no more because I ain't       
                                   basic (no)

       Nba youngboy blasted throughout Nico's apartment, as smoke hovered over his dark living room.

Although it had been weeks, he couldn't shake the feeling of his first heartbreak. No matter what his sister tried to tell him, he couldn't bring himself to believe the story she cried. He truly believed Azure was in love with her ex, and that broke him.

He knew why he never wanted to be in love before, because the shit was stupid. You spend all that time getting to know someone, loving them for who you think they are, just for them to crush you. He was blindsided like shit, because he would never expect Azure to lie to him.

The blunt was almost finished, as Nico sat back and pulled the last few hits he could. Hearing a loud knock at his door, he groaned, irritated as he didn't want any company at the moment.

The loud knock came again and again, followed by his dads deep voice.

"Boy if you don't open this door up!" he demanded.
Nico rose to his feet, next swinging his door open. He didn't even try to hide the weed smell or smoke.

"Damn chief keef" Ron laughed, walking in after his dad.

"What I tell you about smoking that shit, it'll slow down you down mentally and physically." Muh said, beginning to open the windows.

"Yeah, I know." Nico said in a low tone, plopping back onto his couch.

"Bro, come on" Ron said flicking the lights on, and turning the music off, completely ruining the mood, "You gotta get outta the house."

"Man, I'm good." Nico shrugged.

"Son, I know this girl did a number on you but if you acting like this you need to go get your woman." Muh said taking a seat on the couch next to his son.

"That ain't my woman." he scoffed.

"Man you acting like a sucka, you know damn well Azure ain't cheat. I believe Mani." Ron said proudly.

"Well you can believe her sneaky ass if you want to. I ain't fooled easily."

Muh snickered, looking over his son as his look of sadness dawned on his face. He could see himself in him, too much actually. Nico was his youngest son, however he was like a replica of twenty one year old him.

"Nico hear the girl out, as far as Armani is saying you just shut her down and I've never raised you to be hotheaded. At one point that was your woman, and I know better than anybody that you love that girl. Stop crying, before she really move the hell on. I remember the first time me and your mother broke up, oh I was hurt. But I realized, my pride was hurting me most of all."

"That's beautiful dad, but did mom come home with a hickey? Or was it just some back and forth type shit. Cause this is different. How am I supposed to be with a woman who can't get over her ex? Got the nigga following her around like a fucking puppy." he spat, still irritated at the thought.

"That's the cost of having a beautiful woman, son I ain't say it was easy" Muh laughed, "But ask yourself, if you know her as well as you think you do, would she do what you are accusing her of?"

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