The group chat.

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Notes: шпион means the spy in Russian. I just used google translate so you can tell me the more correct version if you know it. :)


PeterPan: hey Thor convinces me to add him on this group chat... we can make a new one of just us.


MtotheJ: thor's cool.

PeterPan: Okay I'm adding him now.

MtotheJ: k

Ned_InTheChair: oh my gosh this is my life.

Thor: Hello.

Thor: Tony son has shown me the chatting of snap!

Ned_InTheChair: Oh my gosh your Thor!

MtotheJ: hey. Sup.

PeterPan: Sup is slang for hows it going, by the way, Thor.

Thor: I found the faces on the screen!

Ned_InTheChair: Emojis?


PeterPan: yea... he found the emojis...

Thor: I have found the best face thing! ⚡️!!!

MtotheJ: lightening, I get it.

PeterPan: they're called emojis

The next day on the chat.

PeterPan: Guys I'm really sorry but now that Thor's on the chat... well Steve found out and he wants in... that okay?

Ned_InTheChair: like as in CAPTAIN AMERICA?!? Of course it's okay!

MtotheJ: Yea I don't care.

PeterPan: okay...

Capsicle: Hey everyone.

Ned_InTheChair: it's captain america. Oh my gosh.

MtotheJ: sup.

Thor: Steve do you know of the faces?!?!

Steve: What faces?

PeterPan: He means emojis.

Steve: What are emojis?

Ned_InTheChair: Like little pictures or drawings you can send.

MtotheJ: like this, 🙂

Capsicle: Wait I think I found it.

Capsicle: 🙃 it's upside down.

PeterPan: yea they can be weird.

Hours later in the chat.

PeterPan: So now Bruce found out...

Ned_InTheChair: yup. This is my life

Ned_InTheChair: I am in a group chat with the avengers. I can't believe it.

BruceBanner: Hi.

MtotheJ: hi!

Ned_InTheChair: Your Bruce Banner.

PeterPan: Natasha and Clint want in.

PeterPan: What have I done.

Capsicle: Hi Bruce!

BruceBanner: Your on here to?!

Thor: Hello Bruce!

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