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A journey of words continuing 'Tony and Natasha aren't here to greet you' a pretty old chapter of mine.

Requested by; marvelx0x

Idk if this is what your were imagining, it wasn't really what I was when I started writing it, but here it is, all 1829 words.

Basically it's after the snap, Peter was already super close to the avengers before the snap, and now Tony, his father figure, and Natasha , his honorary aunt, are dead. But no one knows he knew then so well.


"As you all know, since the first time we started planning our field trip to Stark Tower, things have changed greatly." The teacher of whatever class Peter was in continued to ramble about being respectful.

Peter want listening. He put his head down on his desk, ear buds in. He didn't want to be at school. He didn't want to be anywhere really, except at home with Pepper and Morgan.

"Mr. Parker. Mr. Parker!"

Peter lifted his head up to look at the teacher.

"What did I just say?" The teacher asked.

Peter sighed, "To be respectful?"

The teacher clucked, but accepted the answer, "Now Mr. Parker, I'm sure we won't have any problems with you claiming to have known Mr. Stark personally? You do realize under the circumstances your harmless lie could be very hurtful to people who actually knew Mr. Stark."

Peter just gave a half hearted thumbs up before putting his head back down on his desk.

He didn't bother trying to tell them Tony was his dad, it wasn't like they were going to believe him.

He wished MJ or Ned was in his class. Of course, they weren't, so they weren't there to back him up, or at least hold him close.

The days sped by, and before Peter knew it he was on a bus back home.

"Parker! Hey Parker! Do you miss your fake friend?! I bet this is gonna be hard for you right? Because you 'knew' Tony Stark personally?"

"Yep." Peter said flatly, not having the strength to argue with Flash at the moment.

Flash humfed, sat down, and started muttering to his friends, presumably about how Peter was stupid.

Peter hadn't stopped playing the same, overly depressing playlist for the past month, and he couldn't tell if it was helping him cope, or if it was making everything worse. If that was even possible.

"Alright! Here we are class! Sit down, sit down, we need to go over the rules!" The teacher stood at the front of the bus.

Peter was probably the only one who hadn't rushed to stand up in the first place.

He stared out his window at the tower. It hurt so fucking bad. Knowing that, even though his name was on the outside of the building, Tony Stark wouldn't be inside it.

Everyone who worked at Stark Industries knew about Peter being Tony's, and they were all very aware that he was the successor to Stark Industries, like a mini boss. In fact, everyone at Stark Tower loved Peter dearly.

Finally the class got off the bus and headed for the front desk.

The lobby was filled with Iron Man memorabilia, stuck in dusty cases, left there to do nothing but be looked at.

Peter tried to stay in the back of the class as the teacher talked to the front desk, but of course he had to be pushed to the front.

The desk attendants eyes went wide when she saw Peter, "Oh, Mr. Peter, it's wonderful to meet you. My condolences... Uh, is there something you need?"

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