Peter is a monster.

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A/N: People with super powers, all throughout history haves been viewed as bad, different, evil. They were called monsters, and the name stuck. But slowly things we're changing with the rise of superheros, like the avengers. But unfortunately, not all monsters know, they're more than a monster. And not all monsters think things have changed.


"Peter. You're different from the other children. You will always be bad. You're a monster."

Peter looked up at his mom. He was only five years old when she had told him he was a monster.

"What do you mean? I want to be nice!" Peter said.

"No Peter. It's not who you were born to be. Mommy and Daddy and Aunty are all monsters." Peter's mom said.

"But monsters have powers ma. You don't have to be a monster." Peter cried.

"Peter, monsters don't cry. You'll be getting your powers any day now. I got my powers when I was five to."

"What are your powers?" Peter asked.

"I can disappear into the shadows." Peter's mom smiled cruely. She then demonstrated by disappearing into a shadow on the ground in their backyard.

Peter gasped, looking around, "Mommy! Come back, Mommy, please!" Peter looked around.

"Peter look down. I'm in the shadow of the tree. Don't worry I'll come back." And just like that Peter's mom was back.

Peter felt on edge as his mom crept closer, "Do you believe me now Peter? You are a monster. And once you get your evil powers, you'll be a real monster, and you can start doing evil with mommy and daddy."

"I hope I never get powers." Peter whispered under his breath. He was scared. In his class, he learned on Halloween that monsters are bad, and people don't like them. That's why we have super heros. The super heros take down the monsters. Did Iron Man want to take him down?

But just two days later Peter started showing signs of his powers.

"Peter how did you lift that up- it's so heavy- Wait... Is this your evil power?" His mom looked over to his dad.

"Okay Peter, go lift up our car." Peter's dad bent down and said to Peter.

Peter reluctantly went over, and picked up the end of the car, lifting it off the ground.

"Ah, Peter! That's it, that's your power!" Peter's mom said, sounding proud of Peter, for the first time in his life.

He couldn't help but smiling for a second before remembering, people didn't like monsters. Monsters only did bad.

Peter, and Peter's parents were satisfied with Peter's one power, but slowly they began to realize Peter was not a normal monster. Peter could sense danger before it came, he had super strength, and above all, he could stick to walls and the ceiling.

"Peter, this is every good. Maybe, your mom and I will take you to the National Convention for Evil Beings next year. You aren't quite ready for this year's but next year... I'm sure we can train you well." Peter's dad said one day at dinner.

Peter looked down at his plate, "Why can't we be good?"

Peter's mom and dad both stopped their eating and looked at Peter.

"Peter!" His mom snapped, "Why would you think like that?!"

"Peter, we are evil. It's who we are. Society will always think of you as evil anyway. There's nothing else for you to be." Peter's dad said.

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